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Whitehall Decr. 31st. 1754


Circular to the Governors in North America


A Clause having been inserted in the Mutiny Bill, by Parliament this Session, enacting that all Troops in America, whilst in conjunction with the British Forces, under the Command of an officer bearing His Majesty's immediate Commission, shall be liable to the same Martial Law & Discipline, as the British Forces are, I send you by the King's Command, the inclosed Copy of the said Clause, in order that you may act conformably thereto; And I likewise Send you Several printed Copies of the Mutiny Bill passed last year, & of the Articles of War founded thereupon, which being in every respect the Same, as the Bill passed this Session, will be Sufficient for your Guidance & Direction, till Such Time as the new Bill & Articles of War can be printed, whereof I will hereafter transmit to you a proper Number of Copies.
To Lieut. Governor Dinwiddie only. It is with the greatest concern, that I am to acquaint you, that the Earl of Albemarle died, last week of an Apoplexy at Paris.

I am &ca.

T. Robinson.

Circular to the Govrs.
in North America
Decr. 31st. 1754.
by Mr. Johnston