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To his Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esquire, Captain General Governor &ca.


We beg leave to acquaint your Excellency, That our Resolve in Relation to the Appointment of Ten Men and a Commissioned Officer to preserve the Guns and Ammunition now in Fort Johnston, and also Five Men at Fort Granville, was rather considered by us, as a Means, to preserve the said Forts and their Habiliments, than to repell any hostile Attempts, that may be made upon our Trade and Navigation; And that after most seriously considering your Excellency's Message, we have no Reason to recede from our former Resolve, as the Eve of a Peace justifys the same, and renders numerous Garrisons the less Neccessary.

We have that Affiance in your Excellency's Protection, as to believe, should an Enemy invade this Province, not only in the Vicinity of Fort Granville and Fort Johnston, but elsewhere, every Act of Assembly that will accord with your Excellency's most just Disposition to preserve this Province and his Majesty's Subjects will be put in Execution.

John Ashe Speaker

North Carolina
Message abot. the Forts.

North Carolina
Message from the Assembly to the Governor concerning Forts &c. &c.

Read May 3. 1763.

E. 67.