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John Collins on oath sayeth that on a Certain day he see James Sharrod Going by his Plantation where he was at Work in Which he seemed to be Verry much Cast down & mr. Collins asked Sharrod what was the matter had he been sick he (answered) no what then is the matter sd. Collins I have h[e]ard Dreadfull news which Gave him ^me^ so much uneasiness heI Could not Take his ^my^ Rest What is the matter ^and what have you h[e]ard^ I was at my Brother Johns and see Lewilling and he Till me that they ware Injenerall Concludig to make an end to all the heads of the County sharrod (answered) Collins said for Godsake Go and Take off that Evil Intention Quash It If you Can Sharrod (Answered) he would If It was [intentional space] in his Power for If I had Ever Known they had, had such an Evill Intintion I would never had any Consearns with them this is the second Time he had been to him and sharrod (answered) he would Goe again signifing to Endeavour to Quash this Design

Further the said Collins sayeth that on a Certain Time he the said Collins and sharrod went over to Winsor in Which the said sharrod was accused of Purchasing Gun Powder he sayeth that he was in mr. sharrod Company the whole Time and that the said Sharrod Did not buy any Gun Powder or Bring any with him only 2 3/4 lb. of Gun Powder which the said Collins Purchased half a pound which sharrod had of said Two Pounds and three Quarters and sayeth that there was no moore Powder Gott or Purchased at any other Time which said Powder was ^for^ William Highsmith John Horton and John Perry and for him self and further sayeth not

Sworn to before me this [5]th day of July 1777

Jno. Collins
Oath vs