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Marshall, N.C. August 18th 1913.

Hon. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.,

Dear Governor:-

A delegation of citizens from this County would be glad to present to the Council of State, on August 26th 1913, the claim of Madison County for convicts.

The road work is completely paralyzed in this County, and will be, until we know just what is going to be done by the State. If we fail to get the State aid expected we will not be able to build the Central Highway as contemplated.

If we do not build the Central Highway it will change our system of roads in the County. We had planned to make the Central Highway the center of our road system.

If a hearing can be given us at this time please wire me at my expense.

With best wishes, I am,

Yours very truly,

Guy V. Roberts