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Statement issued for the Press by the Governor-- January 2nd, 1920.

For several days I have been in conference with representatives of the local branch of the United Textile Workers of America, and with representatives of the management of the Consolidated Textile Corporation, Pilot Division. As a result of these conferences, the management today submitted to me the letter which is below set forth in full.

Upon the assurance contained in this letter I advised the employees to go back to work, and they freely and graciously agreed to do so. It is my sincere hope that both employers and employes will now work together in a spirit of friendliness and co-operation, all remembering that in the last analysis the things desired by all must depend upon the efficient and economic operation of the mill.

All parties requested me to give a statement to the press, and assured me that my statement would be the only one given out.

The letter from the management of the Pilot Mill to the Governor is as follows:-

"Hon. T. W. Bickett, Governor,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

Because of a recent exchange of notes between the management of Pilot Cotton Mills and the representative of the local branch of the United Textile Workers of America, I beg to submit for your consideration the following as constituting the policy of the management of this mill with its employees:-

The management will at all times listen to and deal with its employees, as a whole or from any separate department, individually, collectively, or through representatives of employes who are themselves employes of Pilot Cotton Mills. Some of the employes of this company are members of a textile union and some are not, and the mill management has not and will not discriminate in any manner against any employe because such employe belongs or does not belong to a union.

This policy of the management of this mill has been stated to its employes and it was thought that they understood it.

There are no differences between this company and its employes, and should any arise the management will be glad to consider these matters with its employes and it does not believe it will have trouble settling any differences.

This letter is written so that you may know definitely and at first hand what is, has been, and will be the policy of the management of the Pilot Mills.

Very respectfully, 

Pilot Division.

By A. Y. Kelly,

T. W. Bickett,

Raleigh, N.C.
January 2nd, 1920.