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Reply to letter of wh. I sent you copy recently. I shall see his sketches & estimates on my return to Asheville; and shall write you - G. T. W.


Dr. George T. Winston,
c/o Army & Navy Club,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:-

Replying to yours of the 28th, I am enclosing a copy of my last letter to you at Asheville, and trust that my sketch will be forwarded to you as it explains more definitely than I can in words the idea we have in mind.

I note your suggestions and criticisms thereon for an obelisk, a pyramid or a temple. Due to the scenery and to the general grace of a tall perpendicular line, we feel that the obelisk is by far more suitable as it would be in violent contrast with the surroundings. As to vandalism, regarding the three types you suggested, I really feel that either of these memorials could be built practically vandal proof. The whole part of the memorial to be in accord with its surroundings should be rough and rugged, therefore, the natural rock from the mountain would be the only necessary material to use in the construction.

We are proceeding with an illustration of your three suggestions, as it is only through comparison of such suggestions that we can reach a decision, and it has been our experience that many inexpensive sketches, such as the one I have sent you, are of far more value than finished drawings until some definite idea can be derived. We also propose to give you comparitive estimates of cost, which, of course, you will appreciate as approximate.

We feel greatly gratified in receiving your last letter, and feel that we will have the co-operation necessary for the promotion of a suitable and appropriate memorial for DR. MITCHELL.

Please do not hesitate to make any suggestions or call on us for any information that we can give.

Very truly yours,