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I wish to know the rule of distribution of a Pension among heirs. Lydia Ray late a Pensioner and whose certificate was issued on the 2d December last died on the 19th November previous she left an only daughter living named Sarah Ray and the children of George Ray a deceased son. Now Sir Please to inform me the rule as adopted by the Department does the child or children take the Pension in preference to grand children. My recolection is that no pension can be granted to grand children. If this is so the grand children of Lydia Ray cannot receive any of the Pension lately granted to her and her daughter will be entitled to the whole of of it. I told them I would adress this letter to you and they are willing to wait the issue. Please inform me without delay—and tell me whether the daughter of Lydia Ray takes the Pension in preference to the grand children or does the grand children represent their deceased father long since dead and after receiving his legal Share ^share^ of the estate.
