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Thomas Harrison (son of John) being again called on to give a further Testimony declareth & Saith that the last or third Oath Administered by Daniel Leggett mentioned that they were to oppose a draught & protect deserters—the people of Martin & Pitt were to go & take possession of the Magazine at Hallifax to secure the Arm's and Ammunition for what purpose he cannot tell, That the society extended from this County to New Georgia, that it was expected General Howe was by that time acquaint'd with their Constitution—Leggett likewise informed him that about half of the 5th. Regiment of Continental Forces raised in this State were Friends to their Cause that James Sherrard Lewhellen & James Hays were the principals concerned in Martin County, he says he likewise thinks Leggett informed him that Samuel Black was one of their Society, Leggett likewise informed him that the above James Hays of Martin travelled some thousand Miles endeavouring to get as many people to Asseciate as possible, This deponent saith that he was present when James Harrison took the Third Oath & he believes all that were concerned took the third Oath

The Second Oath of
Thomas Harreson (son of John)
Copy vs
Daniel Legitt
James Hays.