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First Baptist Church
Charlotte, N. C.

July 3, 1919

Governor T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Gov. Bickett:-

I am enclosing herewith a letter just received from Mr. W. W. Fentress, which is self-explanatory.

Of course, I had no thought of your having in mind the Order to which he refers, namely, the Columbian Union. I happen to know that the latter Order is a clean, high class organization based upon the highest of American principles. I do not know that it is necessary to write you this letter but do so at the request of Mr. Fentress. I am sure that you had no intention of reflecting upon our Order and am writing to you to say that that is my belief.

With all good wishes, I am

Cordially yours,

Luther Little


[Shorthand at bottom of page]