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May it please your Excellency

Permit us the Members of His Majestys Council to return your Excelly our Thanks for your Speech deliverd at the Opening of this Session. 

We are truly sensible of the Critical Situation of Affairs in His Majestys Dominions in North America, which Mr Secretary Pitt, & your Excelly/, have so Pathetically represented to us. & that without a due Exertion, on this Emergent juncture of the Power; Providence has given us our Holy Religion Liberties & Possessions will be in a very precarious Situation. 

The Divine goodness of God. has manifestly appeard, in the Success he has been graciously pleasd to give to the Protestant Arms, under the Intrepid, Valiant, & Wise King of Prussia, which if it has the proper Effect on us, to reform our Lives & to incline us, to abstain from our Sins, And Immorallities; we may have Cause to hope, that same Wise Providence, will still extend his Blessing to us, and grant his All powerful Aid, to our Armies & Fleets. 

His Majesty's continual Care, & Anxiety, for the welfare of his American Subjects, appear in so Conspicuous a Light, that, it requires the greatest returns of Gratitude, & acknowledgment from us. It wou'd therefore be an ungrateful return, to omit doing what lies in our Power, to Co-operate with such gracious Measures, taken, for our own immediate safety & welfare. We therefore assure your Excelly. That we shall readily & chearfully join in doing what lies in our Power, & the debilitated State of this Province will admit, to effectuate those measures, that are intended to be pursued the ensuing Campaign. 

Your Excellys. attentions to the Welfare of the Trade, of this Province, appears in your recommending some Measures to be pursued, to endeavour to Remedy the alarming, & unhappy State, of the Navigation near Ocacock. 

We shall most cordially Concur in any thing, that may be Conducive, to that end, on which the welfare, of the Northern Parts of the Province, so much depend, & in any thing else, that may tend to the Happiness, & well being of this Country. 

Matt. Rowan President

North Carolina
Address of the Council to the Govr.

Reced with the Govrs Letter of 30. April 1758.

