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The deposition of Daniel Holyfield

Daniel Holyfield a Soldier being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God deposeth and sayethe

That on or about the sixth day of February in the year of our Lord 1763, he this Deponent then being a Soldier at Fort Johnston, was ordered by Michael Sisholt then commanding Officer of the said Garrison to Guard Capt. John Dalrimple who was then under arrest in one of the Barracks of said Fort, and that the said Capt. Dalrimple attempted to come out of the said Barrack which this Deponant perceiving told the said Capt. Dalrimple that he was ordered as a Centry over him to prevent his breaking his arrest, But notwithstanding the said Capt. Dalrimple did Break his arrest and come out of the said Barrack swearing that he would not be confined but would come out in spight of all the Centries in World


Daniel D Holyfield


Sworn to before me this 27th day of Augt. 1763.

John Davis Junr.