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Asheville, N.C.
Aug. 15, 1913.1

Hon. Locke Craig,
Governor State of North Carolina,

Dear Sir:-

I sent you a letter several days ago2, as instructed by Sup't. McCampbell of State hospital at Morganton, N.C., in regards to our son Harry Hoskovitz. I stated all the facts as requested, and we are patiently awaiting your answer stating that you have investigated all the facts thoroughly, and that you will have our son committed to the Asylum at Morganton, or at Millidgeville, Ga, where he has been confined before.

This delay is causing untold suffering & anguish in our home here, and it will be God's blessing if we receive a favorable reply in regards to this deplorable case in the near future.

Give answer by return mail and give us a little releif in informing us that you are investigating this case and doing all in your power to help us & our family out of this terribly plight.

Hoping to receive a favorable reply by return mail, we remain,

Yours sincerely,

Barnett Hoskovitz
Annie Hoskovitz

Address reply to
Max Hoskovitz
c/o H L. Finkelstein
Asheville, N.C.
<23 S. Main St.>

1. Though stamped "answered" on August 16, 1913, the governor's reply was not found among his papers.

2. Item not found among the correspondence of Locke Craig.