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Statement on American Indian Terminology
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13 August 1920
Report on Services of Machine Gun Company, 1st. Inf., N.C.N.G. at Graham, N.C., 13 August 1920
13 August 1920
Second Message of Governor Thomas W. Bickett to the Special Session of the General Assembly of 1920, 13 August 1920
16 August 1920
Report of the Investigative Committee on its Findings of the Attempted Lynching at Graham, 16 August 1920
18 August 1920
Third Message of Governor Thomas W. Bickett to the Special Session of the General Assembly of 1920, 18 August 1920
18 August 1920
Fourth Message of Governor Thomas W. Bickett to the Special Session of the General Assembly of 1920, 18 August 1920
18 August 1920
Letter from the North Carolina Board of Agriculture to Thomas W. Bickett, 18 August 1920
18 August 1920
Report of the Legislative Committee of the North Carolina State Board of Agriculture, 18 August 1920
19 August 1920
Letter from Beverly S. Royster to Thomas W. Bickett, 19 August 1920
20 August 1920
Fifth Message of Governor Thomas W. Bickett to the Special Session of the General Assembly of 1920, 20 August 1920
20 August 1920
Sixth Message of Governor Thomas W. Bickett to the Special Session of the General Assembly, 20 August 1920
23 August 1920
Seventh Message of Gov. Thomas W. Bickett to the Special Session of the General Assembly of 1920, 23 August 1920
28 August 1920
Letter from Thomas W. Bickett to Archibald H. Boyden, 28 August 1920
30 August 1920
Letter from Theodore A. May to Thomas W. Bickett, 30 August 1920
1 September 1920
30 September 1920
Examination of Camp Glenn by Board of Officers, circa September 1920
4 September 1920
Letter from Samuel M. Gattis to Thomas W. Bickett, 4 September 1920
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Bickett, Thomas Walter
Dobbs, Arthur
Craig, Locke
Board of Trade
Amherst, Jeffery
Martin, John Sanford
Engelhard, Margaret Eliza (née Cotten)
North Carolina Council
Kerr, John Philetus
Wilson, James William
North Carolina Colonial Assembly
Montagu Dunk, George, 2nd Earl of Halifax
Crowder, Enoch Herbert
Varner, Henry Branson
Jenyns, Soame
United States Pension Office
Bacon, Edward
Pownall, John
Pitt, William, 1st Earl of Chatham
Privy Council
Watson, Elbert Frank
Oswald, James
Gale, Christopher (Justice)
Pratt, Joseph Hyde
Robinson, Thomas, 1st Baron Grantham
Swann, Samuel II
Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury
Fergusson, Adam
Phillips, Dorsey Ernest
Rice, George
Wyndham, Charles, 2nd Earl of Egremont
Bondfield, Charles
Dinwiddie, Robert
Hill, Wills, Earl of Hillsborough
Manning, James Smith
Pollock, Thomas
Baker, Newton Diehl
Dudley, James Benson
Caswell, Richard
Craven, James
Hill, William (Secretary of State)
Mann, Julian Smith
Powell, George Sumpter
Vernon, Francis, Lord Orwell
Young, Laurence Woodville
Alexander, Susana (née Alexander)
Bouquet, Henry
Cansler, Edwin Thomas
Eden, Charles
Guest, Anna (née Allen)
Guest, William
Jones, Silas Armistead
Lucas, John Paul
MacRae, Hugh
McCampbell, John Jay
Royster, Beverly Sampson
Sharpe, William (Clerk)
Smith, Robert
Wilson, George Wood, Sr.
Yorke, John
Chevin, Nathaniel
Hamilton, William Gerard
Hicks, William Jackson
Jones, Mary Frances "May"
King George III
Norton, Miles Moore
Scales, Alfred Moore
Shepard, James Edward
Ashe, John
Beasley, John Baptist
Breese, William Edmond, Jr.
Brock, Walter Edgar
Campbell, John
Davidson, Theodore Fulton
Foster, Francis
Gascoyne, Bamber
Graham, William Alexander, Jr.
Grandin, William James
Knight, Tobias
McNeill, Wiley Emmett
Metts, John Van Bokkelen
North Carolina General Assembly
Rankin, Watson Smith
Reed, William (Pasquotank)
Sloper, William
Stone, Zedekiah
Tryon, William
Winston, George Tayloe
Akehurst, Daniel
Boone, Thomas
Bowie, Thomas Contee
Brimage, William
Campbell, John, 4th Earl of Loudoun
Cowan, Coleman C.
Dougherty, Blanford Barnard
Dunn, Charles F.
Eliot, Edward
Fox, Henry, 1st Baron Holland
Gough, Frank
Iredell, James
Johnson, Rufus R.
McBrayer, Louis Burgin
Nixon, A. H.
Nugent, Robert 1st Earl Nugent
Rector, James Enoch
Rogers, Joseph Johnson
Sandys, Samuel
Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts
Stone, Andrew
Swann, Samuel I
Walker, Henderson
Abercrombie, James (general)
Anderson, Albert
Bertie County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions
Blount, James
Bryan, William
Carver, Gordon Atkinson
Craig, Thomas Lee
Dyson, Jeremiah
Fauquier, Francis
Finley, Thomas Brown
Gray, William
Gregory, Thomas Watt
Grimes, John Bryan
Hasell, James
Hendren, Frank Bynum
Hill, Daniel Harvey, Jr.
Hill, Huldah (née Jackson)
Hill, William Jr.
Holden, William Woods
Holmes, John Simcox
Jenkins, Sarah (née Dye)
Johnson, Thomas Lester
Locus, Rachel (née Pettiford)
Lovick, John
Martin, Franklin Henry
Moore, Aaron McDuffie
Moore, James Dudley
Murden, Robert
Murray, Rosana
Pelham-Holles, Thomas, 1st Duke of Newcastle
Pless, James William
Poe, Clarence Hamilton
Ray, Lydia (née Miller)
Reilley, Laura (née Holmes)
Roberts, Guy Vernon
Rowan, Matthew
Smallwood, Robert Feagles
Thomas, Edmund
Tomes, Francis
Turner, Wilfred Dent
Whedbee, Harry West
Wright, James
Yarborough, Thomas
Bailey, Josiah William
Beasley, Charles
Benbury, Thomas
Bennett, James
Bielaski, Alexander Bruce
Bostic, Edward Robert
Boyd, Thomas
Brice, William
Brown, Daniel (Clerk)
Buckner, Neptune U.
Carr, James Ozborn
Clarke, William John
D'Arcy, Robert, 4th Earl of Holdernesse
Daniels, Josephus
Davis, Mourning (née Pilkinton)
Debow, John Allen
DuBois, John
Dudding, Earl Ellicott
Easby-Smith, James Stanislaus
Edwards, James L.
Erwin, George Phifer
Fane, Francis
Fletcher, Marshall Hall
Goble, Daniel L.
Granbery, Josiah
Grenville, George
Grenville, James
Hackett, Frank Dobbin
Hardy, Robert
Harkins, Thomas Joshua
Harrison, James
Harrison, Thomas
Harrison, Thomas (son of John)
Horton, William Phineas
Hoyter, Thomas
Huske, John
Jordan, Jacob
Kent, Alfred Abraham
Kirkman, James Hallaway
Lacy, Benjamin Rice, Sr.
Leech, Joseph
Lovill, Edward Francis
Manly, Uri
Martin, Samuel
Mashburn, Pinckney Hodge
McCrary, Doctor Bulla
Milliken, Carl Elias
Moseley, Edward
Norvell, Edmund Butler
Overman, Lee Slater
Pitt, John
Pushing, Jeremiah
Rawlings, James
Richardson, Daniel
Roberts, James (Justice)
Robins, John
Rutherfurd, John
Sanderson, Richard
Shillady, John Rohde
Siler, Walter Davis
Smith, Alfred Edgar
Steuart, William M.
Stuart, John
Sylvester, Henry Hamilton
Taburn, William
Thorpe, John Edward Sterling
Turner, Charles Hodgson
Vail, Edward
Waddell, Hugh
Wannamaker, John Skottowe
Weaver, Zebulon
Williams, William (Salisbury)
Wilson, Thomas Woodrow
Woodhouse, Daniel Wilson
Wooten, Frank Marion
Wrenn, Clement
Absher, William Rowan
Allen, John (Bertie)
Anders, James
Anson, George, 1st Baron Anson
Armfield, Frank, Sr.
Armstrong, Charles Alfred
Ballard, Thomas
Barker, John Quinton
Barker, Thomas
Barnes, Tallie Stacy
Barron, David
Bate, James
Beddingfield, Samuel T.
Beers, Harold Smith
Bell, Joseph
Belote, John
Bickett, William Yarborough
Black, Alexander
Blackburn, Eli Marcellas
Blackstock, Thomas Edgar
Blount, Jacob
Blount, Joseph
Blount, Joseph Sr.
Bonner, Thomas (Council)
Boothe, Thomas
Bowley, Albert Jesse
Boyd, Nancy (née Bailey)
Boyden, Archibald Henderson
Bray, Abram Oliver
Breece, Alonzo M.
Brogdon, John
Brogdon, William
Brookshire, Daniel Joel
Brown, Joseph Gill
Brown, Lucy (née Bradley)
Bryant, Victor Silas, Jr.
Bull, William II
Burket, William
Burn, Andrew
Burwell, Lewis
Cabarrus, Stephen
Call, Walter William
Campbell, William Bowen
Carr, Julian Shakespeare
Carteret, John, 2nd Earl of Granville
Cavendish, William, 4th Duke of Devonshire
Chatham, Hugh Gwyn
Church, Winfield Scott
Clark, Rufus Reid
Clements, Joseph Lee
Clevland, John
Clitherall, John
Coit, Anna Maria (née Summerell)
Cole, William
Collins, William F.
Colvard, Joseph Bower
Cooke, John
Coombs, Joseph Jackson
Cornell, Samuel
Cowles, Charles Holden
Croom, John Addie
Cumming, William
Darrach, John
Davidson, William Frew
Davis, James
Daw, Nicholas
Dawson, Anthony
Debow, Solomon II
DeRosset, Lewis
Dickinson, Samuel
Dorsey, William Virgil
Dry, William III
Dunn, John Jr.
Durant, John (Perquimans)
Earl, Daniel
Eason, Jacob
Edgcumbe, Richard, 2nd Baron Edgcumbe
Edwards, Ruth (née Crabtree)
Erwin, Alfred M.
Evans, French S.
Everard, Richard
Everett, Nathan
Faison, Samson Lane
FitzRoy, Charles, 2nd Duke of Grafton
Flowers, John Franklin
Forester, Fideller Demetrius
Forester, Newmy Sebon
Frazer, Charles Rivers
Frederick, Robert Joe
Fries, Henry Elias
Fuller, Thomas Blount
Gale, Edmund
Gatley, George Grant
Gatlin, Edward
Gibson, William Burg
Glen, James
Glover, William
Godwin, Thomas
Grant, Ulysses S.
Green, James Jr.
Grover, James Swinhow
Gwyn, Richard Walter
Hackett, Richard Nathaniel
Hammel, William Charles Adam
Hampton, Frank Armfield
Hancock, Christopher Thomas
Haralson, Herndon
Hardy, Joseph
Harnett, Cornelius Jr.
Harrington, William Eugene
Harris, Peter Charles
Harrison, Adelia Lake (née Leftwich)
Harrison, William
Hartness, James Alexander
Harvey, John
Harvey, Thomas Sr.
Hayes, Thomas Lee
Heron, Benjamin
Hewes, Joseph
Hix, James Richard
Hogans, Benjamin Harrison
Horton, Henry Walter
Houston, William Sr.
Howard, John
Hoyter, John
Huffman, Robert Lafayette
Hunt, John
Hunter, Charles Norfleet
Hunter, Thomas
Hyman, Lemuel
Jenkins, John (Pension)
Jervey, Henry
Johnson, Charles Earl
Johnson, John
Johnston, Andrew Hall
Johnston, Francis
Johnston, John
Johnston, William
Jones, Abraham
Jones, Allen
Jones, Fowler
Jones, Frederick
Jones, Isaac
Jones, Jesse Walter
Jones, John (Chowan)
Jones, John Rufus
Jones, Thomas Atkinson
Jordan, William
Joyner, James Yadkin
Keese, Elijah
Kilby, James Horton
Kinder, George
King George II
Landon, Henry Clayton
Langston, John Dallas
Laughinghouse, Joseph John
Lawson, John
Lee, William Thomas
Legge, Henry
Leggett, Daniel
Lennon, Woodberry
Lenox, Robert
Long, Edward
Long, John Wesley
Love, John H.
Lovick, Thomas
Lurry, John
MacKenzie, William
Mangum, Addison Goodloe
March, Peyton Conway
Marshall, Stuart Bradford
Mayo, Nathan
McCain, Henry Pinckney
McCulloch, Alexander
McCulloch, Eusebius Fernando
McGirt, William Archibald
McIver, George Willcox
McNairy, Charles Banks
McNinch, Frank Ramsay
McRary, Robert Baxter
Mebane, Alexander
Miller, Frank Ward
Millsaps, Elliott Stevens
Ming, Thomas Jr.
Moore, Benjamin
Moore, John Bassett
Morrison, John Frank
Mosby, Richard Henry
Murray, James
Myrs, Michell
Newell, William Allen
Nicholson, Nathaniel
North, Frederick, Lord North
Nuchols, Charles L.
Outlaw, Edward
Paine, Isaac Newton
Paine, James
Parker, Joseph
Parris, Albion K.
Parrish, John
Payne, Michael
Pettiford, Bartlet
Philips, Adrian Franklin
Polk, Frank Lyon
Ponsonby, William, Viscount Duncannon
Porter, Joshua
Powell, William
Pritchard, Jeter Conley
Reading, Lyonel
Reding, John
Reid, Harry Emmons
Reins, James Calvin
Rhodes, James Franklin
Roberts, John
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Ross, Arthur
Rudisill, Jacob Andrew
Scott, Robert Walter, Sr.
Sears, Augustus Hines
Sharpe, Horatio
Shelton, Benjamin Franklin
Shelton, Eric Oswald
Shergold, William
Shipman, James
Shipman, Mitchell Lee
Shipp, Thomas Roerty
Shuford, George Archibald
Shute, Gyles
Simmons, Furnifold McLendel
Skiles, William
Slade, Henry (Albemarle)
Smith, John
Smith, John (blacksmith)
Smith, Richard (Wake)
Spence, Union Lee
Spoon, William Luther
Starkey, John
Stepp, George Washington
Stivers, John Milton
Sumner, Dempsey
Sumner, Luke Jr.
Sydnor, William Allen
Taburn, Nelly (née Evans)
Taylor, David
Taylor, Henry
Taylor, Robert Southerland
Thackston, James
Thompson, Sarah (née Debow)
Tucker, Irvin Bouchard
Turner, Abeshai
Turner, Amos
Vance, Zebulon Baird, Jr.
Vann, Thaddeus Edward
Wallace, James Calloway
Wallace, William
Walters, Ulysses Burette
Ward, Alfred Decatur
Ward, Michael (Bertie)
Ward, Thomas Sr.
Watson, John
Waugh, William Hicks
Waugh, William Howell Harris
Webb, Charles Aurelius
Weightman, Henry R.
Wheaton, Mary Ridley (née Jones)
White, John W.
White, Joseph
White, Luke
White, Sarah Rebecca (née Layden)
Whitehead, Zollicoffer Wiley
Whitfield, Macon
Whitmell, Thomas
Wilder, Charles
Will, Nuce
Williams, James (Bertie)
Williams, John (Bertie)
Williams, Stephen
Williamson, William Holt
Wilson, William Bauchop
Winborne, John Wallace
Woodard, Robert Lupton
Wright, Charles Calvin
Yarborough, Mary (née Bailey)
Young, James Hunter
Abernethy, Arthur Talmadge
Abernethy, Robert Lee
Absher, Henry Oliver
Adams, George Franklin
Adams, Jacob
Adams, Jonathan
Addison, Daniel D.
Aggrey, James Emman Kwegyir
Albritton, James Ashby
Alexander, John
Alexander, Nathaniel
Alexander, Will Winton
Allen, Jacob Stiner
Allen, John
Allen, Matthew Hicks
Allen, Nathaniel
Allen, William James
Allison, John (Cleveland)
Allison, John (Jackson)
Allsbrook, Richard Gold
Alphen, Solomon
Alphin, William
Alston, Robert Augustus
Amburn, Luther Franklin
Ames, Allan Pepperell
Amis, James S.
Amyand, Claudius
Anckersay, William
Anderson, Anne Martin (née McDaniel)
Anderson, Jacob
Anderson, John
Anderson, John Bullions
Anderson, Omar Lee
Anderson, Ray
Anderson, Thomas
Anderson, William
Anderson, William (Bertie)
Andrews, Robert McCants
Andrews, William Trent
Anit, John
Anthony Hutchins
Appelton, Benjamin
Arbuthnot, Mariot
Armistead, Anthony
Arnell, Edward
Arnell, John
Arnell, Richard
Arnell, William
Arnold, James
Asbell, Aaron
Asbell, James
Ashby, William Mobile
Ashe, John Baptista
Ashe, Thomas Samuel
Ashley, Jeremiah
Ashley, Mead
Ashley, William
Atkinson, Roger Pleasants
Ausley, Daniel McNair
Austin, Cornelius
Austin, Daniel
Austin, Harry Conner
Austin, Rufus Eugene
Avant, William George
Averett, David Sr.
Averett, William
Avery, Alphonso Calhoun
Avery, James Daniel
Avery, John
Avery, Romulus T. "Rom"
Avery, Waightstill
Babey, Richard
Bacchus, Thomas
Bacchus, William
Badham, William
Baggett, John
Bagley, Jacob
Bagley, Thomas
Baily, George Lawrence Todd
Bains, George
Baker, James
Bakhmeteff, George Petrovich
Ball, Richard
Ballard, James
Ballenger, Broadus Landrum
Ballou, William Bransford
Banks, Charles Edward
Banks, Richard
Barbee, Claudius Barclay
Barbel, Peter
Barber, William
Barbree, Isaac
Barclay, John
Barecock, Thomas
Barker, Penelope Hodgson Craven (née Padgett)
Barkes, James
Barkley, Edward Brevard
Barnes, Charles Finley
Barnes, Henry
Barnett, William
Barrett, Richard J.
Bartie, John
Bartlett, James Henry
Bartley, Elizabeth (née Jackson)
Barton, William
Bartram, William
Basel, Joseph
Bashford, Thomas
Basinger, Andrew Marshall
Bass, Cader
Bass, Jacob
Bassett, Lucius Virginius
Batchlear, Richard
Bateman, John
Bateman, Nehemiah
Bateman, William
Battle, Richard Henry
Battle, Samuel Westray
Battle, Thomas Hall
Bauguss, John Vance
Bawtor, Brumer
Bayley, Ambrose Cox
Bazmore, James
Bazmore, Jesse
Bazmore, John
Bazmore, Thomas
Bazmore, William
Beard, John Lewis
Beasley, Elizabeth (née Blount)
Beasley, John
Beasley, Joseph Ophelius
Beasley, Mary Elizabeth (née Jones)
Beasley, Sarah (née Baptist)
Beasley, Thomas
Beasley, William S.
Beaty, James M.
Beebe, William Thomas
Bell, Jacob S.
Bell, Jesse
Bell, John
Bell, Samuel
Bell, Thomas
Bell, William
Belo, Frederick Edward
Belote, Peleg
Benberying, Benjamin
Benbury, Ruth Freeman (née Felton)
Benbury, William (Appraiser)
Benbury, William (Chowan)
Bennett, John
Bennett, Lydia (née Boyd)
Bennett, William
Bennett, William (Justice)
Benson, William
Bentley, John
Bentley, William
Bently, James
Benton, Elisha
Benton, Henry
Benton, Isaac
Benton, Jethro Jr.
Benton, Moses
Benzien, Christopher Thomas
Beriman, William
Berother, William
Berriman, Edward
Berry, Albert Seaton
Berry, Charles
Berry, John
Best, Thomas
Bettis, Sylvester
Beverly, Rembert J.
Bevers, Thomas
Bias, John Henry
Biggerstaff, Arthur Weldon
Bingham, Robert Knox
Bird, David
Bird, Edward
Bird, Richard
Bird, William
Birnen, William
Bishop, Claude Virginia (née Barham)
Bissel, Thomas
Black, Samuel (Salisbury)
Black, Sidney Arthur
Black, William Ernest
Blackburn, John
Blackburn, Manly B.
Blackwelder, Bascom Barrie
Blackwelder, John Wilson
Blackwood, William
Blair, Frank Paul
Blair, Henry Theodore
Blair, Jean (née Johnston)
Blair, John
Blair, Walter Hutchinson
Blake, James
Blalock, Gaston David
Blanchard, Amiriah
Blanchard, Demsey
Blanchard, Micajah
Blanchard, William
Blanshard, Aaron
Blanshard, Abner
Blanshard, Absalom
Blanshard, Amos
Blanshard, Benjamin
Blanshard, Ephraim
Blanshard, Moses
Bledsoe, George
Blocker, Benjamin Allen
Blount, Hewes, & Blair
Blount, John Gray
Blount, Joseph Jr.
Blount, Lemuel
Blount, Mary
Blount, Thomas
Board of Admiralty
Bog, Thomas
Bogan, William
Boger, Charles Edgar
Boggan, Norfleet D.
Bond, Demsey
Bond, Henry
Bond, James
Bond, John
Bond, Richard Sr.
Bond, Thomas
Bond, William (Hunter's District)
Bond, William (Roundtree's District)
Bond, William Marion
Bondfield, Rebecca
Bonner, Henry
Bonner, James Alexander
Bonner, Lydia
Bonner, Mary (née Roberts)
Bonner, Moses
Bonner, Thomas (Chowan)
Booth, Richard
Booth, Samuel David
Borritz, William
Borroughs, James
Boswell, Edward "Smith"
Bowdon, John
Bowdon, William
Bowdon, William Jr.
Bowen, John Sydney
Bowers, Benjamin Jr.
Bowles, John William
Boyce, Job
Boyce, Joseph
Boyd, Daniel
Boyd, Lucy (née Bailey)
Boyd, William
Boyd, William (Bath)
Boyes, Jacob
Bradham, John I.
Braid, Frederick Bowman
Brame, Robert Marvin
Brandon, Christopher
Brandon, George
Brandon, James
Braswell, John David
Brawley, Edward McKnight
Brett, John
Brevard, John
Brewster, Lott
Brice, Francis
Brickell, Thomas
Bridgers, William A.
Bridgers, William Thomas
Briggs, John
Briggs, Roscoe Giles
Briggs, Solomon
Brinn, John
Brisco, Edward
Britt, Amos
Britt, Arthur
Britt, Jesse
Britt, Joel
Brittain, Joseph Harvey
Broadfoot, John Barrett
Broadhurst, Hugh Hunt
Broadwell, William
Brogdon, Aaron
Brogdon, Peterson
Brooks, Charles Edward
Brooks, George Washington
Brooks, John Dale
Brooks, Willoughby
Broughton, Andrew
Broughton, Cecil C.
Brown, Arthur
Brown, Bartley
Brown, Benjamin (Bertie)
Brown, Benjamin (Chowan)
Brown, Calvin Scott
Brown, Clarence Wilkie
Brown, Clyde Morris
Brown, Edward
Brown, Francis
Brown, Frederick William
Brown, George
Brown, Henry Seawell
Brown, John
Brown, John (Anson)
Brown, John Belton
Brown, John E.
Brown, Joseph Aaron
Brown, Julia Lee (née Wiseman)
Brown, Presley Elmer
Brown, Roy Melton
Brown, Samuel Lee
Brown, Thomas
Brown, Thomas Albertus
Brown, Walter Joseph
Brown, William
Browne, John
Browne, Samuel
Brownrigg, George
Bruere, George
Bruts, Stephen
Bryan, Ann
Bryan, William Lewis
Bryant, Henry Edward Cowan
Bryant, John
Bryant, John Y.
Bryant, Robert
Bryant, William
Bryson, Thaddeus Dillard
Buchanan, James
Buckley, Richard
Buerbaum, Theodore
Bullis, William Alexander
Bullock, Leonard Henley
Bumgarner, James Marshall
Bunch, Embrey
Bunch, Jeremiah
Bunch, John
Bunch, Julius
Bunch, Shadrach
Bunch, William
Bundy, William
Buntin, Daniel
Buquo, George Clinton
Burch, Devid
Burchette, Charles Peyton
Burdine, Reuben
Burges, Thomas
Burgess, Moses Alexander
Burgwyn, William Hyslop Sumner
Burk, John
Burkitt, Thomas
Burnam, Frederick
Burnet, Peter
Burnett, Ovid Victor
Burnsides, John
Busbee, Richard Smith
Bush, William
Butler, Frank W. Manning
Butler, Isaac
Butler, Jacob
Butler, John
Butler, John (General)
Butler, William
Butler, William Jr.
Butler, Willis
Butner, Hermon
Buttrey, John
Buttrey, Silvanus
Bynum, John Gray
Byrd, Aden Alexander
Byrd, Amos J.
Byrom, John
Byrum, Isaac
Byrum, James
Byrum, Joel
Byrum, Jonas
Cade, Stephen
Cagley, William
Cain, John
Caldwell, Latta Gaton
Caldwell, Matthew Clark
Cale, Dempsey
Call, Benjamin
Calloway, Arthur William
Calloway, Caleb
Cameron, Jesse Frank
Cameron, Paul Carrington
Campbell, Archibald, 3rd Duke of Argyll
Campbell, James (Bertie)
Campbell, John
Campbell, Robert Lee
Canon, Jamisn
Canon, Joseph
Capehart, John
Capehart, Lovelace Brown
Cardwell, George Washington
Carpenter, Oscar Daniel
Carr, James
Carrington, Tazewell Morton
Carroll, Ernest Royall
Carruth, James
Carter, Benjamin
Carter, Daniel Jennings
Carter, James
Carter, James (Salisbury)
Carter, James Edward
Carter, Oliver
Carter, Thomas
Carter, William Franklin
Casey, Samuel
Cass, Lewis
Castellow, John
Cathcart, Margaret
Cathey, Samuel Lee
Caudill, Grover Cleveland
Caudill, James Elihu
Caudill, Ruben Elbert
Cede, John
Chadwick, James M.
Chamberlain, Gertrude Hope (née Summerell)
Champion, Joseph
Chapell, J.
Chaplin, George
Chapman, Charles
Chappel, Josiah
Chappel, Micajah
Chappel, Richard
Chappell, Julia Ann
Charlton, Abigail (née Slaughter)
Charlton, John
Chase, Jacob P.
Chatham, James Alexander
Cheary, Robert
Cherry, David King
Cherry, James
Cheshire, Henry
Cheshire, Richard
Chetwynd, William Richard
Child, Thomas
Church, Cornelius
Church, William Harvey
Clanton, Edward
Clapp, Adam
Clark, David
Clark, Thomas (Bertie)
Clarke, James Archibald
Clayton, Grace
Clement, George
Clement, Hayden
Clements, Charlton
Clements, George
Clements, John
Clifton, Charles
Clifton, John
Cline, Carrie (née Hennings)
Cob, Lewis
Cobb, Henry
Coffel, Thomas
Cogdell, Annie Doris
Cogdell, Richard
Cole, George Monroe
Cole, James
Coleman, McVicker Monroe
Collins, Absalom
Collins, David
Collins, John
Collins, Joseph
Collins, Josiah
Collins, Lewis
Collins, Thomas
Colvard, William Edgar
Conder, Thomas Lonnie
Conley, Allen Roby
Connelly, Joseph Claywell
Conner, James
Cooper, Chalmers Seldon
Cooper, Henry George
Cooper, James
Cooper, James Crawford
Cooper, James Edward
Cooper, Jesse
Cooper, Robert Archer
Cooper, Thomas
Cope, John
Copeland, Joseph Sr.
Copeland, Joshua
Copeland, Josiah Jr.
Copeland, Thomas
Copland, Charles
Copland, Josiah Sr.
Copland, William
Cornelius, Roland
Corprew, John
Cosedarie, William
Costen, Demsey
Costen, James
Cotten, John Whitaker
Councill, Isaac Lenoir
Cover, Samuel Edward
Covington, John Thomas
Cowan, Magnus
Cowand, John
Cowand, William
Coward, Bryant P.
Coward, Zadah
Cowart, John Jefferson
Cowden, Walter
Cowles, William Henry Harrison
Cox, Albert Lyman
Cox, Amos Graves
Cox, Headley Morris
Cox, Leander Martin
Crater, Jacob Lee
Craven, Charles Wesley
Craven, Harvey Bernard
Crawford, Charles
Crawford, Zebulon Vance
Cray, William
Creecy, Elizabeth
Creecy, Joseph
Creecy, Lemuel
Creecy, Mary
Creecy, Mary Haughton (née Charlton)
Crickett, Elizabeth
Critcher, Murray P.
Crutch, George
Cuddihy, Francis Nicholas
Culpeper, Henry
Cuningham, Otelia Maria (née Carrington)
Cunningham, John
Cunningham, Teresa (née Roberts)
Currie, John Henry
Currier, Robert Edgar
Curry, Sidney E.
Curry, William E.
Curtis, Mary
Dalrymple, John
Dalton, James Alfred
Dalton, Jason Banner
Daniel, Nathaniel Chesley
Daniel, Robert
Darden, John
Darden, John Hardy
Dargan, Jeremiah
Darlet, Anthony
Davidson, George Donnell
Davidson, John
Davidson, Wiley J.
Davis, Alfred Gordon
Davis, David
Davis, Garrett
Davis, John (Bladen)
Davis, John (Pension)
Davis, Moses
Davis, Robert William
Davis, William (Bertie)
Davis, William (Bladen)
Dawley, Jonathan
Dawson, Penelope (née Johnston)
Dawson, Richard
Day, Robert
Deal, Calvin Jeremiah
Deare, George
Deberry, Edmund
Debow, Bird
Debow, Rachel (née Rogers)
Deese, James Wesley
Delaney, Dennis
Dement, Charles
Denning, Ollen Lee
Denny, William
Dereham, Thomas
De Rosset, Armand John
Deschamps, Augustine
Deschamps, John
de Zuylestein, William Henry Nassau, 4th Earl of Rochford
Dickey, Robert Ray
Dickson, Joseph
Dickson, Josias
Dikinson, William
Dillard, Clarence
Dillard, Richard
Dillion, Richard
Dinwiddie, Edwin Courtland
Dixon, Dres
Doak, John
Dobbins, Guy Hamilton
Dobbs, Edward Brice
Dobbs Nash, Justina (née Davis)
Doleson, Robert
Donovin, Hugh
Dorsey, Hugh Manson
Dougherty, John
Dougherty, Walter Lee
Doughton, Robert Lee
Doughton, Rufus Alexander
Douthit, John
Doyle, Charles Montague
Drapor, William
Driver, Thomas
Duckenfield, William
Dudley, Christopher (New Hanover)
Dugan, Robert
Duggan, William
Dunbibin, Daniel
Duncan, James Jr.
Duncan, Julius Edgar
Duncan, Ralph
Dunn, Elbert McDonald
Dunston, Edmund
DuPre, Benjamin David
Durant, Thomas (Yeopim)
Durham, Mrs. Rufus
Durrance, William
Dwyer, Dempsey
Dyson, Winnin Ras
Earls, Gromalin
Easett, Peter
Eason, George
Eason, Levi
Eason, Seth
Eastrig, Thomas
Eborn, Henry
Eckles, James Dixon
Edey, John
Edwards, Arnold
Edwards, Britain
Edwards, Gaston Alonzo
Edwards, John
Edwards, John Saunders
Edwards, Joseph Jackson
Edwards, Richard
Edwards, Titus
Edwards, William
Edwards, William Jr.
Eelbeck, Joseph H.
Egan, John
Egan, Robert
Egerton, Benjamin
Egerton, James
Egerton, John
Elberson, Abraham
Elledge, Drury Elbert
Eller, Edward Everett
Eller, Robert Franklin
Ellis, John
Ellis, Richard
Ellis, Thomas
Ellis, William (Chowan)
Ellison, Charles
Engelhard, Joseph Adolphus
English, Alexander
English, Edwin Eleazer
Epperson, Thompson
Erskine, George
Estes, Patrick Mann, Sr.
Etheridge, John
Ethridge, Samuel
Evans, James
Evans, John
Evans, Leslie Ballard
Evans, Paul St. Clair
Everett, Jerosiah
Everett, John
Everett, Thomas
Everett, William Nash
Ewart, Hamilton Glover
Fagan, Stephen
Fairchild, Reuben
Faison, William Williams
Falkner, Thomas
Fallaw, James
Fallaw, William
Fallis, William Stuart
Fane, Henry
Faris, William
Farr, Richard
Farrel, Thomas
Faulkner, Morris Ritner
Felton, Noah
Felton, Shadrack
Felton, William
Fentress, William Walter
Ferebee, Samuel William
Few, William Preston
Filgo, William Cake
Finch, Thomas Jefferson
Finger, Sidney M.
Fink, Luther Augustus
Finley, James Edward
Finley, James Robert
Finney, Thomas
Fisher, William Bruce
Fleetwood, James
Fletcher, Duncan Upshaw
Florid, Matthew
Floyd, John
Floyd, Jurney Alexander
Floyd, William
Foard, Jefferson Davis
Fonveille, John
Foote, David Dick
Forbes, John
Ford, Andrew G.
Ford, William
Forster, Andrew
Forster, Arthur
Forster, Henry
Fortune, Charles McCoy
Foscue, Simon
Foster, Thomas Flournoy
Foster, Walter Scott
Foster, William Hayes
Fowler, Marion Butler
Foy, Henry Bowman
Frady, Oscar Franklin
Frazel, John
Frazier, Marie Ellen (née Brown)
Freeman, Charles
Freeman, Demsey
Freeman, James
Freeman, John (Bertie)
Freeman, King
Freeman, Richard
Freeman, William
Freeman, William Sr.
Freere, Archibald
French, Francis Henry
Friard, More
Fries, Henry William
Frissell, Aaron
Fry, William
Fryly, William
Fulford, Daniel
Fuller, David Henry
Fullington, Thomas
Fulton, Lee Winston
Furlong, R. J.
Furman, Robert McKnight
Gains, John
Gale, Christopher (Chowan)
Gale, George
Gardner, Alexander
Gardner, John
Gardner, John Jr.
Gardner, William
Garet, Danill
Garner, Thomas
Garrett, Daniel
Garrett, Stephen
Garrett, Thomas (Chowan)
Garrett, Thomas (Tyrrell)
Garrett, Thomas Jr.
Garrison, James Garrett
Garrison, Joe Wilson
Garrison, William Garfield
Garriss, Charles Jackson
Garvey, John Wyckliffe
Gattis, Samuel Mallett
Gaylard, Stephen
Gerrey, Ida Johnson (née Hicks)
Gilberd, Jessy
Gilbert, William Lee
Gilkey, Samuel
Gillett, Frederick Huntington
Gillette, George William
Gilliam, Henry Augustus, Jr.
Gilreath, Frank Hackett
Gladden, Elizabeth (née Dye)
Godwin, Charles E.
Godwin, Edmond
Godwin, Hannibal Lafayette
Goldstein, Abraham
Goodwin, Axem
Goodwin, Joseph
Goodwin, Thomas
Gore, Daniel Lenox
Graham, Dennis Wilson
Graham, Edward Kidder
Grainger, Caleb Sr.
Granbury, Thomas
Grange, John
Grant, James (Chowan)
Graves, Reuben
Graves, Thomas
Graves, William Sidney
Gray, George
Gray, James Alexander, Jr.
Gray, Stevens
Green, Elizabeth Underhill (née Branch)
Green, Farnifold (Craven)
Green, James
Green, Jeremy
Green, Peter
Green, Robert Edward Lee
Gregg, Frederick
Gregg, James Dennis
Gregory, James
Gregory, Luke
Gregory, William
Grier, Maxwell Christine (née Banks)
Griffin, Ephraim
Griffin, Isaac Cebern
Griffin, Willis
Griffith, Edward
Grimes, John William
Grisham, Joseph
Groves, James Alonzo
Guest, Moses
Gwinn, Daniel
Gwinn, William
Gwinn, William (Gates)
Hacket, Dan
Hackett, James Gordon
Hagaman, Smith
Haigler, Green Henderson
Hairston, Peter Wilson
Hairston, Rufus Sigmond
Hairston, William Riley
Hale, Jesse
Halford, Joseph Washington
Hall, Anne
Hall, Frances (née Foster)
Hall, James Jabez
Hall, John
Hall, John Greene
Hall, Thomas H.
Hall, William Columbus
Hallum, William V. R.
Halsey & Jackson
Halsey, Daniel
Halsey, Henry
Halsey, Malachi
Halsey, Samuel
Hamby, Albertus Burton
Hammer, William Cicero
Hammond, George
Hancock, Joseph
Hancock, William
Hanes, Frank Williams
Hanes, Pleasant Henderson
Hardee, John
Harden, Thomas
Hardy, Ira May
Hardy, Jacob
Hare, John
Hare, Moses Jr.
Hare, Moses Sr.
Hare, Thomas
Harlan, Justin
Harlton, Thomas
Harmon, Nicholas
Harrel, David
Harrell, Abraham
Harrell, David
Harrell, Demsay
Harrell, Elijah
Harrell, Isaac
Harrell, Samuel
Harrington, Thomas
Harris, Charles
Harris, Edmond
Harris, Hewit
Harris, James
Harris, Joseph
Harris, Robert
Harrison, Benjamin
Harrison, Charles
Harrison, Edward
Harrison, Henry
Harrison, James Jr.
Harrison, John
Harrison, Josiah
Harrison, Reginald Fairfax
Harrison, Stephen
Harrison, Thomas (son of Thomas)
Harrison, William (son of James)
Harrison, William H.
Harriss, Ezekiah
Harron, Joseph
Harshaw, Moses N.
Hart, Edward Lee
Hartshorne, William
Harvey, Thomas Jr.
Haskins, Hannibal
Haslewood, Roger
Haslin, Thomas
Hatch, Anthony
Hatcher, Charles Edward
Hatcher, Thomas David
Hattaway, Nathan
Hatway, David
Hatway, Thomas
Haughton, Anne
Haughton, Charles
Haughton, Jeremiah
Haughton, Jonathan
Haughton, Richard
Hauser, Lewis Adam
Hauser, Philip Alexander
Hawkins, Elijah
Hawkins, John (Pasquotank)
Hawkins, John (Salisbury)
Hawkins, John (Yeopim)
Hawkins, Philemon
Hay, Thomas, Lord Dupplin
Hayes, Daniel
Hayes, Johnson Jay
Hayes, Roland H.
Hayes, Thomas Henry
Hayne, William Edward
Haynes, Joseph Walter
Hays, James
Hays, William Blaine
Haywood, William
Hazel, Clinton Decatur
Hazelwood, Thomas
Henderson, Richard
Henderson, William
Hendren, Joseph Flanner
Hendricks, Melver Jackson
Henley, Peter
Henry, John Chappell
Herman, Thomas
Herndon, Henry C.
Herritage, William James
Hester, Zachariah
Hicks, Archibald Arrington
Hicks, Job
Hicks, John
Hill, Abraham
Hill, Ephraim
Hill, Guy
Hill, Henry (Chowan)
Hill, Henry (Wake)
Hill, Henry Jr.
Hill, Himrick
Hill, James
Hill, John
Hill, John Sprunt
Hill, Jonathan J.
Hill, Kadah
Hill, Moses
Hill, Thomas
Hill, Thomas Jefferson
Hill, William
Hill, William (collector)
Hillbun, John
Hilton, Charles Rozzelle
Hines, Needham Christopher
Hinsley, Joseph
Hinton, Jonas
Hinton, Noah
Hinton, William
Hipp, Charles Columbus
Hix, Clarence Edward
Hobbs, Aaron
Hobbs, Amos
Hobbs, Guy
Hobbs, Henry
Hobbs, Jacob
Hobbs, Reuben
Hobbs, Thomas
Hobbs, William
Hobdy, Robert
Hodder, William
Hodge, John
Hodges, Charles Grey
Hodgson, John
Hodgson, Shadhrick
Hoey, Clyde Roark
Hoffler, Ernest Linwood
Hoffler, Thomas
Hogans, James
Holbaron, Thomas
Holder, Thomas
Holevy, Luke
Holland, Joel
Hollaway, Samuel Beauregard
Holler, Solomon Abel
Holles, Armit
Holles, James
Holley, James Jr.
Holliman, Edward
Hollis, John
Hollowell, Abner
Holman, Edwin Floyd
Holt, Charles Henry
Holt, George
Holt, Thomas Michael
Holyfield, Daniel
Homes, William
Honeycutt, Murray Cornelius Arsemus
Hood, Henry Warren, Jr.
Hooten, John
Hoover, Herbert Clark
Hopkins, John (Chowan)
Horniblow, Anne (née Rombough)
Horniblow, John
Horton, Archie Wynne
Horton, Charles Gentry
Horton, Claude Lawrence
Horton, David
Horton, Hugh
Horton, William
Hoskins, John
Hoskins, Sarah (née Howcutt)
Hoskins, Thomas
Hoskovitz, Barnett
Hoskovitz, Sarah Anna "Annie" (née Weingrow)
House, Baliss
Houston, David Franklin
Howard, Charles Washington
Howard, Christopher
Howard, Elijah
Howard, James
Howard, Pettig
Howard, William
Howard, William
Howcott, Sarah (née Bonner)
Howe, George
Howe, Robert
Howe, Sarah (née Hall)
Hoyle, Pearley Athen
Hubbard, Bird
Hubberd, John
Hudgins, John L.
Hudgins, Webster Bryson
Hudson, Cassius Rex
Hudson, Charles Spurgeon
Huff, Richard
Huggins, Edwin Toomer
Hugh, William
Hughes, Edward
Hughs, George
Hughs, George Jr.
Hughs, James
Hughs, Solomon
Hughs, Thomas (I)
Hughs, Thomas (II)
Hughs, William
Hughy, James
Hume, James
Humphree, William
Hunt, Henry Jackson
Hunter, Alexander Sterling
Hunter, Elisha
Hunter, Henry
Hunter, Isaac
Hunter, Jacob
Hunter, Mary Walton (née Benbury)
Hunter, Nicholas
Hunter, Timothy
Hunter, William W. N.
Hurdle, Benjamin
Hurdle, Harden "Hardy" Jr.
Hurdle, Harden "Hardy" Sr.
Hurdle, Henry
Hurdle, Josiah
Hurdle, Martin
Hurdle, William
Hurley, Edward Nash
Hurst, William
Hurst, William Jr.
Huskins, Charles Milton
Hutchins, Charles
Hutchison, Charles Egbert
Hyman, John
Hyman, William
Imes, George Lake
Ingle, Thornton W.
Ingram, Needham
Innes, James
Ireland, Charles Henry, Sr.
Ireland, Robert Livingston, Jr.
Irwin, Henry
Isbell, Frank Teague
Jackson, William
James, Richard
James, Thomas
Jamison, Bond
Jarrett, Otto R.
Jasper, Richard
Jeffres, Joseph
Jeffreys, John
Jenkin, Thomas
Jenkins, David
Jenkins, Jesse (Pension)
Jenkins, John
Jenkins, William Rixey
Jennings, John
Jennings, Royal Garfield
Jerman, Beverly Sydnor
Jernigan, Hardy Rise
John H. Chafee
Johns, Thomas
Johnson, Agnes (née Robison)
Johnson, Anne
Johnson, Archibald
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Hugh Samuel
Johnson, Ira Thomas
Johnson, Isaac
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, James Iredell, Sr.
Johnson, John (Bertie)
Johnson, Peter
Johnson, Philip
Johnson, Sugan
Johnson, William
Johnston, Alexander
Johnston, Anne
Johnston, Burwell
Johnston, Charles
Johnston, Daniel
Johnston, Elizabeth (née Williams)
Johnston, Frances (née Cathcart)
Johnston, John Stuart
Johnston, Joseph
Johnston, Joshua
Johnston, Julius
Johnston, Samuel
Johnston, William
Jolly, Joseph
Jonas, Edna F. (née Royster)
Jones, Ann
Jones, Armistead
Jones, David Sr.
Jones, Demsey
Jones, Edward
Jones, Elizabeth
Jones, Evan
Jones, Griffith
Jones, Hezekiah
Jones, Horace Leonard
Jones, James
Jones, James "Sketo"
Jones, James (Bertie)
Jones, James (I)
Jones, James (II)
Jones, James Martin
Jones, James Octavius
Jones, John (son of Joseph)
Jones, John Wise
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Joseph
Jones, Josiah
Jones, Mary (née Hall)
Jones, Montie Carl
Jones, Reuben
Jones, Richard
Jones, Robert "Robin," Jr.
Jordan, Charles
Jordan, Claude Alvin
Jordan, Isaac (Bertie)
Jordan, Isaac (Chowan)
Jordan, James
Jordan, Jonathan
Jordan, Joseph
Jordan, Joseph (Roundtree's District)
Jordan, Joseph (Salisbury)
Jordan, Joseph Jr.
Jordan, Josiah
Jordan, Thomas
Jordan, William Jr.
Joy, Benjamin
Joyner, Moses Jr.
Joyner, Solomon
Joyner, William Henry
Judd, Edith I. (née Royster)
Keelin, James Nathaniel
Keen, Alma Faye (née Pierce)
Keith, Benjamin Franklin
Kelley, Eddie Lee
Kelly, Albert Young
Kelly, Edward
Kelly, William
Kelse, John
Kelse, Joseph
Kelsey, John
Kenan, James
Kenedy, George
Kenedy, William
Kennedy, John
Kerlee, Howard Burnette
Key, Francis Scott
Kilbourne, Charles Evans
Kilbreth, Mary Guthrie
Kilgore, Benjamin Wesley
Killebrew, James Churchwell
Killey, Isaac
Killey, Thomas
Kilpatrick, John C.
Kilpatrick, John Morgan
Kimball, Charles
Kinchen, William Jr.
Kinder, Elizabeth
Kinder, Margaret (née Daude)
King, Charles
King, Charles (son of n)
King, Charles Jr.
King, Henry
King, Kadar
King, Michael
King, Willam
Kingman, Robert
Kinsey, Joseph
Kinyoun, Joseph James
Kirby, William
Kirk, George W.
Kirk, Lewis
Kirkpatrick, Thomas Leroy
Kittrell, Dempsey
Kittrell, George
Kittrell, Willis
Knight, James
Knowls, Robert
Kramer, Harry Clifford
Kurt H. Debus
Kuykendall, James Stuart
Lacey, Parker
Laciter, George
Laciter, Robert
Lackey, James Walter
Lambeth, Frank Simmons
Lambeth, John Walter, Sr.
Lancaster, Samuel
Land, Bird
Lane, Abraham
Lane, Leon Theodore
Lane, William Cobb
Langford, Edward
Langley, Willis
Lanier, Andrew
Lansing, Elmer Dore
Lasley, Numa Albert
Lassiter, Aaron
Lassiter, Aaron Sr.
Lassiter, Abisha
Lassiter, Amos
Lassiter, Frederick
Lassiter, George
Lassiter, James
Lassiter, Jeremiah
Lassiter, Jonathan
Lassiter, Josiah
Lassiter, Reuben
Lassiter, Timothy
Latta, John
Laughton, James
Laval, William
Lawrence, Charles
Lawrence, David
Lawrence, John
Lawrence, Reuben
Lawrence, William Warwick
Lawson, Hugh
Lawson, Roger
Laxton, Wade Hampton
Leafter, Moses
Leary, Job
Leary, John
Leath, Samuel
Ledbetter, Johnson
Ledbetter, Thomas Benjamin
Lee, Henry
Lee, William
Lee, William States
Legett, John
Legett, Thomas
Legge, Humphrey
Legget, Lewis
Leggett, Walter Augustus
Leming, John
Leonard, Joseph Paul
Lepper, Thomas
Lester, James
Lester, Thomas
Lester, William
Lewelling, Mary (née Ball)
Lewis, Robert Edward
Lewis, Samuel
Liles, John
Lindsay, Wade
Linney, Frank Armfield
Lipscombe, Edward Hart
Liscomb, John
Little, Daniel
Little, James
Little, Joseph
Little, Luther A.
Littledale, Mary Crickett (née Nichols)
Littlejohn, Sarah (née Blount)
Littlejohn, William
Lloyd, Jeremiah Mantius
Lloyd, Joseph
Lobb, Jacob
Lockhart, George
Lokert, Alexander
Long, Albert Sydney
Long, Benjamin Franklin
Long, Edwin Monroe
Long, James Adolph
Long, James Anderson
Long, Jonathan
Long, Zebulon Vance
Lord, Eliza (née Bradley)
Lott, Abraham E.
Love, John William Sidney
Lowder, Jonathan Lewis
Lowther, William
Loyd, Henry
Lucas, James A.
Lucas, William
Lumpkin, Thomas (Attorney)
Lunk, William Reynolds
Lusk, Ralph Duane
Luten, Absalom
Luten, Frederick
Luten, James
Luten, Thomas
Lyda, George Walton
Lyles, Charles
Lyles, Williamson
Lyon, Homer LeGrand
Lyon, John
Maccubbin, John
MacIver, Charles
Mackey, William
Mackie, William
Maclaine, A.
Maclaney, John
MacLean, Angus Dhu
Macomb, Augustus Canfield
Macon, Francis Atherton
Maer, Abraham
Mangum, Cleveland Charles
Maning, Hillery
Manly, Clement
Manly, James
Mann, John (Chowan)
Mann, Samuel Spencer
Manning, Benjamin
Manning, Richard Irvine, III
Mansfield, Zebulon
Marchant, Kedar
Marcy, William Learned
Mare, John
Marken, H.
Marley, Catherine
Marlow, James Romulus
Marsh, John
Marshall, Thomas Riley
Martin, George
Martin, Josiah
Martin, William
Martin, William Reilly
Mashburn, Charles B.
Mashburn, John Henry
Mashburn, Peter M.
Mastin, William
Matthews, Caleb Calvin
Matthews, James
Matthews, Sarah
May, Theodore Atha
May, William Jr.
Maynard, Richard H.
Mays, James
McAlister, Alexander Worth
McAulay, James Aulay
McCall, Charles Alexander
McCall, Johnston Davis
McCall, William
McCalla, John Moore
McCargo, Thomas Bouldin, Jr.
McCaughrey, Cormick
McCluer, Arthur
McClure, Alexander
McColloch, James
McConnell, William
McConniell, William
McCrakan, Robert
McCrorey, Mary (née Jackson)
McCulloh, Henry
McCurdy, Dennis
McDevitt, New Berry
McDonald, Finlay
McDonald, Moses Christopher
McDougle, Walter Edwin
McDowell, J. A.
McDowell, Stephen
McDuffey, Daniel
McElrath, William McKinley
McEwain, James
McGlamery, Conrad Alexander
McGuire, Samuel
McGuire, Thomas
McGwire, John
McIntire, William Calhoun
McKay, Felix Murphy
McKenzie, Kenneth
McKenzie, William
McLaughlin, Calvin Sturgis
McLean, Angus Wilton
McLean, James Erastus
McLemore, Young
McLin, Charles
McMennamy, Alexander
McMullon, Alexander
McMullon, John
McMurray, John
McMurray, William Harvey
McMurren, Noah Edison
McNair, William Sharp
McNeil, Thornton Sylvester
McPherson, Henry Edwin
McRee, Ann (née Fergus)
Meadows, Elijah Brodie
Means, James
Meares, James Iredell
Mease, George Fleter
Mebane, Francis Howard
Medford, Hampton Thomas
Melton, David Marcellous
Melton, Levy James
Melton, William Wesley
Menius, Espie Flynn
Merrick, John
Merritt, Charles
Meserve, Charles Francis
Michael J. Smith
Middleton, John
Milburn, Samuel
Miles, Perry Lester
Miles, Stephen
Miller, Abraham
Miller, Claudius "Claude" Young
Miller, Claudius Herbert
Miller, Edward Walter
Miller, Franklin U.
Miller, Jacob
Miller, James
Miller, Job
Miller, John (Anson)
Miller, John (Bertie)
Miller, John Wesley
Miller, Jonathan
Miller, Michall
Miller, Nathaniel
Miller, Reuben Boyd
Miller, Robert Jr.
Miller, Robert Sr.
Miller, Thomas
Miller, Thomas Jr.
Miller, Uriah Alexander
Miller, William Brock
Miller, William Franklin
Mills, Joseph Napoleon
Miltear, Jethro
Minard, Israel
Ming, Francis
Ming, Thomas
Ming, Zephaniah
Minors, Thomas
Minshew, Dionishus
Minshew, Maximillion
Missildine, Ernest Ellwood
Mitchel, David
Mitchel, James
Mitchel, John
Mitchel, Thomas
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, John Chappel
Mitchell, Robert
Mitchell, Robert Crump
Mitchell, Samuel
Mixson, Jeremiah
Mizell, Aaron
Mizell, Jonas
Mizell, Thomas
Mizell, Timothy
Mizell, William
Monckton, Robert
Montague, Roger
Montague, Seth Jones
Montfort, Joseph
Montgomery, John
Montgomery, Martha
Moore, Benton
Moore, Charles (Chowan)
Moore, George
Moore, Henry
Moore, Hight C.
Moore, James
Moore, James Frank
Moore, Jesse
Moore, Louis Toomer
Moore, Mary
Moore, Maurice Jr.
Moore, Roberts
Moore, Samuel
Moore, William (Chowan)
Moore, William John Franklin
Moravian Brethren of Wachovia
Morgan, Lonnie Washington
Morgan, Samuel Tate
Morgan, William Theodore
Morris, Benjamin
Morris, Edwin Henry
Morris, John
Morris, Joseph
Morris, Thomas William Hicks
Morrison, Benjamin
Morrison, Reid Rufus
Morton, Edward Vincent
Moseley, James Henry
Moss, Benjamin
Mullen, Abraham
Muncell, Abner
Muns, Thomas
Muns, William
Murphy, Lois Vashti (née Wilson)
Murray, John B.
Mushrow, John
Myers, John Ivie
Myrick, James
Nachman, Louis
Nash, Abner
Nash, Francis (Robeson)
Nash, Henry Kollock
Neal, Thomas
Neal, Walter Hart, Sr.
Needham, Warren S.
Nelson, Arden A., Jr.
Nelson, John
Nesbitt, William Carson
Newell, Jake F.
Newland, William Calhoun
Newsom, Marion Eugene
Nicholas, George
Nicholas, George (colonial attorney general)
Nicholls, John
Nichols, Humphrey
Nichols, John Wesley
Nichols, Jonathan
Nicholson, Benjamin
Nicholson, Henry
Nicholson, James
Nicholson, John
Nicholson, Samuel
Nill, William
Niven, Lola Alexander
Nixson, Richard
Noble, Richard Jordan
Noles, Ira Edward
Norfleet, Elisha
Norfleet, Jacob
Norfleet, Robert Comer
Norman, Henry
Norris, John Bryant
North Carolina Council of State
North Carolina Pine Association
Norwood, Dewitt Marvin
Nunn, Romulus Armistead
O'Berry, Nathan
O'Donel, Hugh
O'Kelly, Berry
O'Neal, John Jr.
O'Neal, John Sr.
O'Neale, John
O'Neil, Henry
Odum, Moses
Office of Ordnance
Oliver, Doctor Berry
Ormond, Elizabeth Penelope (née Eelbeck)
Orr, James Lawrence
Osborne, Eli Alexander
Osborne, James Walker
Oterson, James
Outlaw, Aaron
Outlaw, George
Outlaw, Jacob
Outlaw, James
Outlaw, John
Outlaw, Josiah
Outlaw, Levis
Outlaw, Lewis
Outlaw, Thomas
Owen, John
Pace, Samuel
Pace, William Heck
Pack, Thomas Carl
Padgett, James Riley
Padgett, Joseph Henry
Page, Frank
Page, Frank Theodore
Page, Henry Allison
Page, Robert Newton
Palin, John
Palmer, James
Palmer, Robert (Bath)
Palmer, Robert (Bath)
Palmer, Thomas
Pardue, Henry Fletcher
Pardue, Sylvester Loyd
Park, Anthony
Parker, Amos
Parker, Elisha
Parker, Frederick Marshall
Parker, Isaac
Parker, Job
Parker, John Johnston
Parker, Jonathan
Parker, Peter
Parker, Richard (Bertie)
Parker, Samuel
Parker, Seth
Parker, Thomas
Parker, William Jr.
Parker, William Sr.
Parkes, Daniel
Parkinson, James
Parks, David
Parrish, Joseph
Parrish, Levi Elvis
Parshall, Benjamin
Patterson, Elizabeth (née Wellwood)
Patterson, Franklin Dewitt
Patterson, Robert
Patterson, Rufus Lenoir
Patton, James
Patton, William (Anson)
Payne, M.
Pearce, Emily Frances (née Miller)
Pearce, Hezekiah E.
Pearce, Isaac
Pearce, Jeremiah
Pearce, Richard
Pearson, John
Pearson, Margaret Duckenfield (née Jolly)
Pearson, Richmond Mumford
Pearson, William Cruso
Pearson, William Gaston
Peebles, Nat
Peele, Jesse Willis
Pegram, Daniel
Pegram, Daniel Jr.
Peirce, Thomas
Pell, George Pierce
Pender, Thomas
Pender, William
Pender, William Richard
Pendley, Alexander James
Penney, Mary M. (née Duncan)
Penney, William Henry
Percy, Amos
Percy, Mordecai
Perkens, William
Perkins, Robert
Perley, Frederick Allen
Perry, Abraham
Perry, Isaac
Perry, John
Perry, Josiah
Perry, Samuel
Perry, Theodore Heflin
Perry, Thomas
Perry, William
Person, Benjamin
Person, John
Person, Thomas
Person, William
Pescud, Edward Fitzgerald
Pettiford, Laurence
Pettiford, Martha
Pettigrew, Charles
Pettiver, John
Peyton, Joseph Hopkins
Phelps, Aaron
Phelps, Demsey
Philips, Robert
Phillippi, Christopher
Phillips, Lee Vance
Phillips, Thomas
Phillips, Thomas Jefferson
Picot, Louis Julian
Pilkinton, John
Pilkinton, Richard
Pinion, John
Pinnion, Thomas
Pippin, Solomon
Plater, Richard
Pleasant, Ruffin Golson
Plemmons, Ira
Plott, Charles Reed
Pollett, Anthony
Pollock, Cullen
Pollock, John Alfred
Pollock, Thomas Jr.
Pollok, Cullen
Porter, Clifford
Porter, John
Pou, James Hinton
Powell, Cader
Powell, Jacob
Power, Charles
Powers, Mary Mills (née Burnett)
Pownel, William
Pratt, Philip
Pressley, David Edward
Preston, Edmund Randolph
Prevette, Joseph Milton
Prevette, Joseph Talmage
Price, David H.
Price, Edward
Price, James
Price, Robert Reed
Pritchard, James
Proctor, Harriett (née Hoover)
Pugh, David
Pugh, Elizabeth
Pugh, John (Chowan)
Purdy, Ivy
Pursell, William
Purviance, William
Pushing, Thomas
Query, Lessie Carmine (née Hendren)
Raby, George Washington
Radford, Jesse
Ramsay, Mary
Ramsey, John
Randall, Erwin Mark
Randall, Stephen A.
Randolph, Thomas Richmond
Rankin, James Eugene
Ransom, James
Ray, George M.
Ray, Jane (née Allison)
Ray, John
Ray, John Bispham
Raymer, William Brevard
Rayner, Amos
Rayner, John
Rayner, Samuel
Rayner, William
Rea, James
Rea, Samuel
Rea, Thomas
Read, Jacob
Ready, John
Realy, James
Reed, Christian
Reed, Thomas
Reed, William (Salisbury)
Register, Frank Murchison
Reins, Ralph Randolph
Relfe, Thomas (Pasquotank)
Reno, William H.
Respess, Christopher
Rew, Solomon
Reynolds, Henry
Reynolds, Joseph Letcher
Reynolds, Nathaniel "Nat" Augustus
Reynolds, William Neal
Rhoda, Peter
Rhodes, Charles
Rhodes, Elisha
Rhodes, Henry (Bertie)
Rhodes, Jacob
Rhodes, James
Rhodes, Jonathan
Rhodes, Moses
Rhodes, Thomas
Rhodes, William Herbert, Jr.
Rice, David
Rice, John
Rice, Nathan
Richardson, Plummer Alston
Riddick, Job
Riddick, John
Riddle, William Lloyd, Sr.
Rigby, Richard
Riggan, Francis
Riley, Miles Charles
Rimer (Rymer), Thomas R.
Ritch, Marvin Lee
Ritchie, Albert Beren "Texas"
Ritchie, Marvel
Rivers, Robert Campbell
Roane, William
Robarts, Joshua
Roberds, John
Roberson, Hoyt Goddard
Roberson, James Harvey, Jr.
Roberts, Elizabeth
Roberts, Elizabeth (née Liles)
Roberts, Elizabeth Bonner (née Hardy)
Roberts, James
Roberts, John (Chowan)
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, William
Robeson, John
Robinson, Charles Jr.
Robinson, David Wallace
Robinson, Edmund Pendleton
Robinson, James B.
Robinson, Nona (née Thomason)
Robison, Mary (née English)
Robison, Thomas
Robson, William
Rodet, John
Roeder, Bernard F.
Rogers, John
Rogers, Samuel Lyle
Rogers, Thomas
Rollins, Edward Franklin
Rombough, John
Roper, William Bryham
Ross, Anthony W.
Rountree, Francis
Rountree, Robert
Rountree, Thomas
Rouse, Noah James
Rousseau, James Rogan
Rousseau, William Archie
Rowland, Minnie Azalee (née Barton)
Rowley, William
Ruffin, Thomas, Jr.
Rupprecht, Frederick Kelsey
Russel, James
Russell, David Samuel
Russell, George
Russell, Robert
Rutledge, William Edward
Rye, Elisabeth
Sackville, Lionel, 1st Duke of Dorset
Salter, John
Sams, John Robert
Sanders, William Marsh
Saunders, William G.
Savage, William
Schaw, Robert
Scott, Charles Alexander
Scott, Donnell Everett
Scott, Elizabeth
Scott, George Grant
Scott, John (Salisbury)
Scott, Joseph James
Scott, Mary Hudson
Scott, Severn
Seals, John
Searcy, William Hargrove
Sears, Henry Ebron
Seely, Fred Loring
Segar, John
Seserson, James
Setzer, George
Seward, Thomas
Shaffner, John Francis
Sharpe, William
Shaver, John Lindsay
Shaw, Henry Marchand
Shaw, William Thaddeus
Shearin, Charles
Shell, Willis Andrew
Shelmore, Joseph
Shepard, Charles Haddon
Sheridan, John
Shile, John
Shippen, Thomas Jr.
Sholar, Benjamin
Sholar, James
Sholders, Ephraim
Sholders, Thomas
Shook, James Wilson
Shore, Clarence Albert
Short, Jefferson B.
Simmons, John
Simons, Argyle
Simons, Jacob
Simons, James
Simons, Thomas
Simpson, Frank Farrow
Simpson, John
Simpson, Richard Franklin
Simpson, Samuel
Simpson, William
Simson, Demsey
Simson, John Jr.
Sinclar, Uriah
Sink, Charles Augustus
Sink, Charles Shelton
Sissholt, Michael
Sitgreaves, Thomas
Sitgreaves, William
Sitterson, William Justice
Skiles, John
Skinner, Evan
Slade, Abisha
Slade, John
Slade, Reuben
Slatter, Thomas
Slaver, Jethro
Small, Bessie Bookrum (née Badham)
Small, John Humphrey
Smeott, Abraham
Smith, Amos
Smith, Charles
Smith, Demsey
Smith, Ezekiel Ezra
Smith, Faithy
Smith, Golson
Smith, Gordon
Smith, Harold Frank
Smith, Henry
Smith, Hunter Gilliland
Smith, James
Smith, James (clerk)
Smith, Malachi
Smith, Norfleet Saunders
Smith, Richard (Pamlico)
Smith, Samuel
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Susan
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Wade Cothran
Smith, William Alexander
Smith and Jones
Smithey, Mack C.
Smithey, Nikeard Bruce
Smithwick, Edward
Smithwick, Luke
Smoot, James Clinton
Smyth, John
Snoden, Thomas
Sope, Michael
South, Andrew
Sowell, Charles
Sowell, Francis
Sparkman, Jesse
Sparkman, William
Spaulding, Charles Clinton
Speight, Josiah
Speir, William
Spellar, Henry
Spelman, John
Spence, Daniel
Spencer, Calvin Finley
Spencer, John Richard
Spencer, Noah W.
Spencer, Samuel
Spicer, Charles Booker
Spingler, Albert Gottlieb
Spires, Thomas
Spivey, Abraham
Spivey, Champen
Spivey, Jacob
Spivey, Jesse
Spivey, Nathaniel
Spivey, Thomas
Spivey, Thomas
Spivey, William
Spruill, Dempsey
Spruitt, Samuel Jr.
Sprunt, James
Squier, Peter
Stack, Amos Morehead