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Davidson-Randolph Highway Association.

Denton, N.C. Nov. 6, 1913.

Hon. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Governor:--

We have raised by private subscription enough money to build seventy miles of good gravel road, with a supplement of two hundred and fifty dollars per mile awarded by the County Commissioners. Sixteen miles of this road is now built and a force is at work on the road leading from here towards Chatham. The other two roads that will be built will lead out from here through the county to the Davidson County line.

We want one hundred convicts. Our County Commissioners will make formal application to the Superintendent of the penitentiary, and we expect to have a representative to see you and the State Council next Tuesday and we hope that you will see that we get a good squad of convicts to come to this County.

With best wishes, I am,

Yours very truly,

Arthur Ross

Referred to D B McCrary