Bertie Co Inferior Court
Sept 19th. 1878
State vs. Jno. Clark
Being called Defendant is brought into Court & pleads not guilty. The following Jurors are sworn & impanelled Wm Cherry, Henry Johnston, Wm Bonds, Geo W Cobb James F Williams, Jno Sutton, Harry Heckstall Joseph White, W. W. Nowell, Robt Bunch W. W. Powell & Jno Hughes, after hearing evidence & argument take the case & render a verdict of Guilty—
Judgement of the court that Defendant shall be by the Shrff of the County conveyed to the State Prison at Raleigh and delivered to Superintendent of same his punishment to be five years confinement in State prison at hard labor.
I certify this is a true copy of the Judgment of the court in the above case
Wm M Sutton
Clk Bertie County
Inf Court
No. 2822
State vs Jno Clark