North Carolina
Wake County
To the Sheriff of Wake County,
Be it remembered that at a Criminal Court held in and for the County of Wake at the Court House in Raleigh, on the second Monday in August A.D. 1878—The following defendants were found guilty of the offences set opposite their respective names and sentenced to the State's prison for the terms specified below—
The Sheriff of Wake County is charged with execution of Same—Herein fail not!
Weston R. Gates—
Clerk Crim Court of Wake.
Name, Offence, Term
1 Jordan Bailey—Larceny & R—5 years in States prison
2 John H. Smith—Larceny & R—2 years in States prison
3 Eliza J. Smith—Larceny & R—2 years in States prison
4 George Partin—Larceny & R—5 years in States prison
5 George Norwood—Larceny & R—6 years in States prison
6 Anthony Holmes—Larceny & R—12 months in States prison
7 John Glenn—Larceny—2 years in States prison
8 Thomas Watson—Larceny & R—12 months in States prison
#2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2814, 2815, 2816, 2817
To the Sheriff of
Wake County—
Mittimus to Penitentiary