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Lisbourn 10th Octr. 1754

Dear Sir

Since we parted in Dublin I have Been as Assiduous as in my Power in Purchasing a Cargo & in furnishing and Equipping my new Ship for the Purposes then Mentioned to you in the Strongest and in every Respect in the most Compleat manner and as such it was impossible for me to Bring her to the Harbour of Belfast before the first Inst. by means of which unavoidably Delay I apprehend the ship has lost Three fourths of her Passengers she might very Commodiously carried according to your Scheme which She shall Constantly Pursue untill my Charitable donation be fully Compleated and as much longer as you may Advise my Nephew John Sampson and me, t'was the dependance I had on your goodness & Publick Sperritt which I Observed from my Earlyest Acquaintance with you that under God induc'd to the donation of one thousand Pounds yearly for ever for the Propigation of the Gospell among the Indians Nations in and near your Goverment & that you & your Successers as Governours, the Councill, and the Assembly of North Carolina be Perpetuall Trustees for this donation to commence after the death of my s’d Nephew on whome I depend to inlarge this my Gift to North Carolina as thereby he may be enabled at his Death my said Nephew whome I Brought from said Province by my Letters to him to said Purpose having Informd me that he shew my letters to some of the Members of your Councill and Assembly for said Province and that they Asured Him that Provided my donation was not Confind to the Indians Only, but made to Extend as an Academy or Seminary for Religion and learning to all his Majesties Subjects in North Carolina they in that Case would Enlarge my donation by a Reasonable Tax on each Negroe in that Province whereupon my Lawyer whome I Fee'd to draw Propper deeds for me to Execute to Effect in Confirance with my Lord Bishop of Derry then ready to imbark for England they Both concur'd in advising me to surspend the Execution of said Deeds so Prepared untill by some Act of Assembly a Perpetuall Tax was fixed to induce me to Alter my Originall Scheme and untill said Bishop in Confirance with the Society in London for the Propegation of the Gospell and on their Recommendation to the King and Councill a Charter & farther Encouragement may be Obtaind thus as I am Advised that an Act of Assembly in North Carrolina is Pervesiously Nessessary to my Executing said Deeds and Pervesiously Necessary to Induce the King and Councill to do the needfull on their Part so as this Publick good may be put on as Rational & lasting a foundation as Human Wisdom can Advise I make no Doubt of your zeal & and Expedition in laying the Purport of this my Letter in Propper form Before the states of said Province on your first Assembly of them by which & their Concurance as af[ore]s[ai]d the Deeds as af[ore]s[ai]d to be Executed by me and my Nephew Mr. John Sampson shall go by him on his Next Return to North Carrolina & I make no Doubt but that he may also Carry with him what may be Necessary on the Part of Our King and his Councill as af[ore]s[ai]d the Bishop of Derry who is my most Zealous Solicitor being now in London and there to Continue till about the first of may next and having the best Intrest at Court and in London of any Bishop in Ireland being now Hurried by other Affairs I must for the Refreshment of your Memory as my Originall Skeame Refer you to my Letter to Mr. John Sampson then in North Carrolina which Brought him to this Kingdom.

George Vaughan

A True extract from the Original Letter Subscribed.

Laid before the Assembly Decr. 24 & read in the House.

Extract from a Letter to Govr Dobbs from George Vaughan Esqr.
Dated 10th October 1754
