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To the Kings most Excellent Majesty

The humble Address of the Assembly of North Carolina.

Most Gracious Sovereign

We your Majesty's most Dutiful and loyal Subjects the Members of Assembly of North Carolina now met in General Assembly return your Majesty our humbly and hearty Thanks for your Paternal Care of the American Colonies in General, and for the Arms you have been pleased to order for the use of this Province in particular.

We are truely sensible of your Majesty's Goodness in appointing his Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esqr. to be our Governor, whose Zeal for your Majesty's Person and Service and Endeavours to promote the Happiness of the People have already rendered him highly acceptable to your Majesty's Subjects in this Government.

Our inviolable Attachment to your Majestys Person and the Protestant Succession in your Royal Line will ever engage use chearfully to embrace all Opportunities of demonstrating our Duty and Loyalty to your Majesty, and of shewing an Unalterable Resolution to prosecute such Measures as may at any Time be Necessary for your Majestys Service.

We beg leave to express our utter Detestation of a Perfidious Scheme long since planned and now attempted to be carried into Execution by the French, who in open Violation of the most solemn Treaties have invaded your Majesty's Territory in Virginia and not content with the Injuries perpetrated by themselves have spirited up the Indians in their Alliance to massacre your Majesty's Subjects in that and several of the other Provinces. Animated with a just Resentment of these unwarrantable Outrages We have notwithstanding our Poverty and Indigence granted to your Majesty an Additional Supply of eight thousand pounds to enable his Excellency the Governor to assist the other Governments in repelling those Intruders from their unjustifiable Encroachments on your Majestys Lands on Ohio and to protect our own Frontiers.

We are bound in Duty and Gratitude to return your Majesty our humble and sincere Thanks for having been graciously pleased to examine the Constitution of this Province and to repeal several Laws repugnant thereto whereby the People by your Majestys Favour are restored to their Antient Rights and Priviledges, and the Contests which formerly subsisted among us are happily terminated.

We shall by a due Attention to every Thing relating to your Majesty's Interest Endeavour to establish ourselves in your Good Opinion, and hope to be favoured with the Continuance of your Majesty's Paternal Care and Royal Protection.

Jno. Campbell Speaker

In Governor Dobbs's Letter of

Janry. 1st. 1755.