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Local Boards

Washington, D.C., 2:45 PM, May 29, 1917.

Governor of NortCarolina
Raleigh, N.C.

Number three hundred five. Reference your telegram May twenty eighth. The function of local boards in the determination of exemptions will be ministerial rather than discretionary. In a large capacity of cases only selfexecuting exemptions are left to their jurisdiction. There will be practically no opportunity for any such board to be affected by political consideration. The law itself prefers local officials in the constitution of these boards and the regulations in aid thereof are being framed in view of precisely the considerations you have in mind. The determination of individual exemptions in matters that require functions of discretion will be left mainly to superior boards which section four requires to be constituted in each federal judicial district and these latter boards will be selected in a manner that will obviate all your objections. In preparing your lists of local boards you may name for the President’s consideration such citizens residing in the subdivision or area in which the respective boards will have jurisdiction as you may desire, but after considering the information contained herein it is thought that you will find it unnecessary to depart in any very great measure from a personnel to be constituted from among local officials. Please give me your views after consideration of this telegram.

3:34 PM