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Washington, D.C., 4:00 AM, June 3, 1917.

Gov of NC
Raleigh, N.C.

Number four hundred fifteen. The secy of war directs me to say that your telegram gives greatifying assurance that the excution of the selective service law within your state will not be attended by any incident of resistance or disturbance of the public order which will call for the use of troops. In the unitedpress event that a situation should arise which would demand the aid of any federal forces in addition to the military forces already under your command the secty of war has caused a phropriate instructions to be sent department commanders which are here quoted for your information. “In view of facts that the future drafting into federal service of the Natl Guard will strip states of forces on which they usually rely for main tentance of domestic peace and in view of possiblity that situation may arise in connection with execution of the selective service law in which the governor of a state will feel urgent need for military forces to overcome obstructions to and to suppress domestic disturbances which may arise in connection with execution of the law, secty of war direction you mainta-in relations of cordial cooperation with the governors of the several states in your department and to respond and bid any call for military assistance from governors for the purposes here indicated which can be made by useof any troops under your command available for such.”

5:07 AM