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We the Members of His Majesty's Council now met in General Assembly, return your Excellency our Thanks for your Speech at the Commencement of this Session.

We are highly Sensible of the Gracious interposition of Providence, in directing his Majesty's Councils, supporting his Allies, and conducting his Fleets and Armies in the Glorious Conquests they have made during the Course of those two last Years; Those Successes with the prudent measures that have been taken, by this and the adjoining Provinces We hope will prevent a rupture with the Cherokee Indians; and that in due time a lasting and honorable Peace may Crown all these blessings.

We however assure your Excellency, that We will willingly Concurr with the other House, in granting whatever Supply's shall be judg'd expedient for the Protection of the Province in it's present situation.

We will also contribute our part, to Enact such Laws, in lieu of those Repealed by his Majesty, as will be for the advantage of the Province, and not liable to the objections made to the former one's; And in all other matters recommended by your Excellency; or that may occur for the good of the Province, will Chearfully join with the other Branches of the Legislature, and to the utmost of our Power endeavor to preserve that Union and Harmony which your Excellency's example so much recommends, and which is so essential to the Happiness and Prosperity of this Province.

No. Carolina.
Copy of the Address of the Council of North Carolina in answer to the Governor's Speech.

Recd. with the Govr's. Lre of 19 Janry. 1760.

Recd. July 1.
Read Novr. 26, 1760.
