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North Carolina ss: To His Excelly. Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Capt. General Govr. and Commander in Chief in and over the said Province.

28th. Novr. 1759

We His Majesty's most Dutifull and Loyal Subjects the Assembly of North Carolina beg leave to return your Excelly. our Sincere thanks for your Speech at the Opening of this Session.

The repeated Successes of the Two last Campaigns, so truly Glorious to His Majesty and beneficial to all the Colonies, demand our most Exalted Praises and thankfullness to the Author of all Mercies; And a Gratefull Sence of the Wisdom Courage and Conduct of those that have been the Happy Instruments of them; by this prosperous turn of Affairs, the future Safety of all British America we hope will be Secured, and all future Expences on that Account Prevented. We Perswade our Selves that the Vigorous Measures lately taken to check the Insolencies and Obtain Satisfaction for the Murthers committed by some of the Cherokee Indians on the Frontiers of this and our Neighbouring Provinces will have the desired Effect, And we Assure your Excell. that we shall now and at all times pursue such Measures and Chearfully raise such Necessary Supplies for our Defence Against our Enemies as the Exigency of the Case may require and the Indigent Circumstances of our Constituents (already heavy loaded with Taxes) will Admit.

It is with very Sensible concern we find so many of our Laws In our Apprehension well Calculated for the Advancement of Religion and Distribution of Justice thro' the several parts of this Large and Extended Province, And the Quieting the Freeholders in their Possessions met with His Majestys Royal Disallowance. We perswade our Selves had an Agent been duly authorised at Home to have represented to His Majesty and His Ministers the Importance and Utility of those Laws, And their Propriety as Adapted to the Circumstances of the Inhabitants of this Province, in a true Light; they might not thro' the Misrepresentation of any Interested Person Contrary to the General Good of the Province have been Reported to His Majesty for His Royal Disallowance; As it is Absolutely Necessary to Enact Other Laws to Answer the Purposes Intended by those repealed; in the Bills we Shall prepare for that End shall endeavour to Avoid Incerting Clauses which may be Lyable to any Just Exception. We Observe what your Excelly. Mentions relating to the Schools so much wanted and Desired; A former Assembly Granted £6,000 for the Founding of a School which is Still under a Suspending Clause; And Untill His Majesty has been pleased to Declare his Pleasure therein we are at a Loss how to proceed.

The Depretiation of our Currency is too well known and felt, but all remedies hitherto proposed have proved Abortive, We are of Opinion that the Growing demand to pay our Taxes and the Gradual decrease by the Sinking fund (Whereby the Torn and worn Bills are Yearly Burnt) must soon Enhance their Value

If it please your Excelly to Cause the several Accounts of the Disposal of the Several Sums Granted for the Service of the War to be laid before us we Should be Enabled to see what savings there may be which is Appropriated to payment of Contingencies, and thereby form some Judgment what may be further Needfull to support the Charge of Government, which we shall Allways readily Provide for.

As we are Sensible Nothing conduces more to the Prosperity of any Community than a Mutual Agreement Among the Several Members of it, We Assure your Excelly. that as we hitherto have so we constantly Shall use our best Endeavour to Cultivate the same, That His Majestys service and the Peace and prosperity of His good Subjects in this Province which are Allways Inseperable may be preserved and Promoted.

Saml. Swann Speakr.

No. Carolina
Copy of the Address of the Assembly of North Carolina in answer to the Govr's. Speech.

Recd. with the Govr's. Lre of 19 Janry 1760.

Recd. July 1.
Read Novr. 26. 1760.
