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Thomas Harrison the son of Thomas came before us & being duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Deposeth and sayeth that about a fortnight ago Daniel Leggett came to this Deponents plantation & ask’d him if he could keep a secret & if he would swear to it, which this Deponent did & some days afterwards the said Leggett swore him a second Time to a form of a Constitution & to oppose a Draught should one be made & to protect Deserters & further this Deponent sayeth not

Thomas Harrison principal £100

Thomas Combes Security £100

to appear at the first Court of Oyer & Terminer to be held at Edenton

Sworn & acknowledged before us

Archd Corrie J.P

Chas. Johnson

Thos Harrison (son of Thos
James Holles
Jonathan Adams
Benjamen Moss
John Harrison
Edward Harrison
Stephen Harrison

vs John Everit & Danl. Legit & James Harrison son of James