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No. Carolina

Pitt County

William May Juner Says on oath that on or about the 20th. and Last of pastMay past A Certain William Tylor of Martin County Did propose an oath to Sd. May and That he would no on takeing the oath he Sd. Tylor Wood inform him Some thing of Importanance as a Secret that After he Sd. May had taken the oath the Sd. Tylor informd That he Shood Stand Ready to Keep out popish Religion if we Could and that the Sd. Taylor did alow that Gentlemen was trying to Bring in popish Religion and that if there was A Draft to unite & Stand to gather & Not Turn out nor go in Croop time And that the Sd. Tylor Said he Thought them Selves Sofishantly Strong to Take any man away that Shood be Drafted and to oppose Any power that Shood Oficer the State oath and those that was Sworn in was to Join and Stand by Each oather if the State ^oath^ Shood be offerd and that the if any one was Confiend or Imprisond that the oathers was to Return them

Sworn Before Me June 19th 1777 Robet. Salter J.P

The Depn of
Wm. Mayo.
agst. William Taylor