5 December 1912
Hon. Locke Craig
My dear Mr. Craig:
Because we feel that you are to be the very real governor of all the people of North Carolina, I take courage to write you our request.
At Winston last May, the State Federation of Women’s Clubs advocated a woman physician for the women’s wards of state hospitals for the insane, and a woman member on the boards of state institutions where women are treated—hospitals and penitentiaries.
I am instructed by our Federation's committee on the legal status of women to call this matter to your attention. If you think our wish about women on these boards wise or practicable, and if you think a woman physician should be in charge of these helpless sufferers, we would be glad if you would make these recommendations in your message to the legislature.
I have not verified the information, but I understand that in the state hospital for negroes at Goldsboro, a woman physician is already in charge of the woman’s ward.
Our committee is composed of
Mrs. R. R. Cotten, Bruce, ex-officio
Mrs. A. C. Avery, Jr., Morganton
Mrs. A. M. Frye, Bryson City
Mrs. M. L. Stover, Wilmington
Mrs. Sol Weil, Goldsboro
Dr. Dixon-Carroll, Raleigh
and myself.
Please consider this letter confidential. We are not seeking publicity.
With hearty good wishes for our governor-to-be, I am
Cordially yours,
Edith Royster
Chairman Committee