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North Carolina

Pursuant to a Resolve of the late Convention Mr. Samuel Johnston summoned a meeting of the delegates of Hillsborough on the 20th. day of August 1775, at which time the members from a majority of the Counties and Towns not appearing, be adjourned the Congress till To morrow morning 10 oClock

Monday August 21st. 1775.

At a General meeting of Delegates of the Inhabitants of this Province at Hillsborough the twenty first day of August A. Dom 1775 aforesaid (A majority appearing continued their meetings from day to day until 7th. September 1775.)

Thursday September 7th. 1775.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

The Report of the Committee appointed to bring in a plan for regulating minute men and Malitia being taken into consideration.

Resolved that the province be divided into six districts as they stood heretofore under the Supperior Court Law: Vizt. Edenton, Halifax, Hillsborough, Wilmington, New Bern and Salisbury Districts, That a Battalian consisting of ten companies of fifty men rank and file, each, be raised in each District; and a Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, Major, ten Captains ten Lieutenants, Colon ten Ensigns, twenty Seajeants, ten Drummers and ten Fifers be allowed for evry Battalian.

That the minute men be enlisted for six months, and when ever called into actual Service, be subject and bound by the Rules and regulations for the Continental Army provided by the Contenental Congress, and if any Officer or minute man during his attendance on training duty by Battalians shall refuse to obey the commands of his superior Officer, or behave refractorily or indecently such offender shall and may be confined for any time not exceeding twenty four hours and fined in any sum not exceeding fourteen days pay as shall be determined by the judgement of a Court martial to be held aforesaid; the fines to be levied and applied as hereinbefore directed.

State of North Carolina

Secretary of State's Office

I hereby certify that the foregoing are true and correct extracts from the Journal of the Provincial Congress of North Carolina which met at Hillsborough on the 20th. of August A.D. 1775, taken from a record in this Office.

Given under my hand this 21st. day of May 1839.

Wm. Hill

Secretary of State.