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SPENCER Lodge No. 205.

JUNE 7, 1919

Hon. T. W. Bickett,
Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

Spencer Lodge #205, B. R. C. of A., instructs me to write to you and, in behalf of this Local, endorse and commend your impartial letter, as published in the Press, concerning the disagreement between the Mill Owners and the Operatives of Charlotte and Concord.

With Employers thoroughly organized for their benefit and advancement, it is vitally important that the Employees have somemethod of handling grievances that arise in regard to working conditions, wages and hours of labor.

At the present time the Labor Union is the only medium thro' which these grievances can be properly presented to the Employers.

It is our belief that an Employer who suspends the operation of his mills because of the Labor affiliations of his Employees is not only unjust to these Employees, but is also unjust and unfair to the Community in which his mills are located.

With best wishes for your continued success, we beg to remain,

Yours respectfully,

Spencer Lodge #205, B. R. C. of A.,

F. N. Cuddihy