To his Excellency Josiah Martin Esqr. his Majesties Captain general governor & Commander in Chief in and over the Province of North Carolina
The Petition of Sundry of the Inhabitants of Gilford County Humbly Sheweth—
That Whereas it apears by general Proclamation that a Certain John Pugh Stands out Lawd. for commiting Several acts of outrage on the twenty fourth and twenty fifth of Septr. 1770 During the Seting of the Superior Court of Justice held for the Destrict of hilsborough to the Disturbance of his Majesties Peace—
Whereas we your Petitionors have been well aquainted with Sd. John Pugh this nine or ten years Past and Never knew any thing of him but that he Behaved himself Soberly Honestly and Industrusly as Becomes a good Member of Society and a Subject of Great Brittain and being Concious of his Loyalty to his gracious Sovreign king george the third now upon the Brittish ^throne^ and his Detestation to all Rebellious or Illegal Proceedings and knowing himself absolutely Clear of the Crime Charged in the Inditement he thought of Necessaty that ^he^ was not the John Pugh Intended in the Inditement and therefore Neglected giving himself up agreeable to the Limited time Specified in the Proclamation and he was forced to Retake himself to Distant Parts for his Safety Leaving a wife & one Small Child in the utmost Extremity for want of that Relief & Support he as a Husband and father is in Duty Bound to administer unto them—We therefore Humbly Pray that your Excellency in your great goodness may be Pleased to Extend to him his Majesties most gracious Pardon that he may again be Entitled to the Same Rights & Previledges of the Rest of his Majesties Subjects and your Petitionors as in Duty Bound Shall ever Pray
August the 31: 1771