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The Governors Answer to the Address of the Upper House


The Just sense you shew of his Majesty's great Care, and concern, for our Preservation, and future safety, from our Inveterate Enemy the French; and the Preservation of our Holy Religion, Liberties, and Possessions, is consistant with the Zeal you have always shown, in the Defense of his Majesty's rights, and Possessions, as well in Europe, as America, and your Assurance of concurring with the Assembly, in such measures, as will secure the British American Dominions, and in Enacting such Laws as will be consistent with the Interest of this Province, is very agreable to me, and is a Confirmation of the Zeal, you have always shewn, in Defense of our Religion, Liberties, & Possessions.

No. Carolina
The Govrs. Answer to The Address of the Upper House.

Rx with the Govrs. Lre of 28. May 1760.

Read Novr. 26. 1760.