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To his Excellency Arthur Dobbs Esqr. Captn. General Governor & Commander in Chief in and Over his Majts. provence of No. Carolina.

Wee your petitioners Humbly Beg Leave to Solisit you in favour of Francis Strother an Aged Honest man of Good fame and Reputation

Who, has a son Call'd William now in SaulsBery Goal Under Condemnation of Death for horse Stealing, And that he Being But a youth who very Latly Obtaind Leave of his father to Go a Brode has fallen in with Bad Company and Led Astray to the place above mentioned And that During the Space of ten years in our Acquainta allways Demean'd him Self amongst his Betters as Became him, And as a very Dutyfull Son to his father and mother

Now wee your petitioners Humbly pray that in your Grate Goodness you would please to Grant a Repreave to the Guilty Son in favour of the Honest parents which would Be a Comfort To the Aged man as well as a Caution to the young to Lead Good and Honest Lives, and your petitioners shall ever pray,

William Johnson, William Person, Benjn. Person, Thomas Person, Peter Green, Samuel Bell, Nathl. Nicholson, Lewis Kirck, Jos. Bell, John Bell, Jesse Bell, Thos BellBenja Nicholson, Saml Lancaster, Thos Harton, Joseph HarrisBenja. Egerton, Edmond Harris, Willm. Hill, James Egerton, Arnold Edwards, Jos: Jeffress, Roger Willams, Jordan H[illegible], Wilm Bowdon, John Bowdon, Wilm Bowdon Jun., Charles Shearin, [James] Burk, Fras. Riggan, Thos. Johns, Ephm Hill, [illegible] Underwood, Saml Nicholson, Daniel Pegram, Danl. Pegram Junr., Nem. N Harris, Thos. ReedJames Nicholson, John Nicholson, Thos Hazelwood, Edward Holliman, Charles Harris, John Egerton, Henry Nicholson, John Allen, Jas. Myrick, John Bartie, Benja Williams, William Tabb, James Ransom, Sugan Johnson, Edward Jones, Len Henley Bullock, Philemon Hawkins, Young McLemore, John Hawkins, Richard Walise, Gromalin Earls, William Hobbs, John West, Jno Johnson, John Underwood, Jno. Howard, William Pownel, Pettig Howard, Dres Dixon, William Cagley, Nat Peebles, John Person, [illegible], [illegible]amount Sutton, John Wootan, Thomas Wootan, [illegible], Wm [illegible], Wm. Horton, Aaron Frissell, Tho Eastrig, Benjaman Call, John Cain, Robart Philips, Robert Day, [Gore] Brogden, James Arnold, Williamson Lyles, Charles Lyles, Jarimiah Wooton, William Williamson, George Bledsoe, John Liles, James Wootan, Abraham Smeott, Wm. hill, Robbart Vassee, William Anderson, John Burt, James Jones, Thos Pinnion, John Pinion, Chas: Kimball, Wm. Williamson.