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Resolved, that it is the Indubitable right, of the Assembly to Frame and Model every Bill, whereby an Aid is granted to his Majesty, in Such Manner as may render the same most Effectually Conducive to his Majestys Service, and the Honor and Interest of the Crown, and that every attempt to deprive them of the Enjoyment thereof, is an Infringement of the Rights and Privileges of the Assembly.

Resolved, That the Method observed by the Treasurers in Stating their Accounts, Exhibitted to the last Session of Assembly, was agreable to the Directions of the Several laws of this province; By Vertue whereof the Money by them Accounted for was Levyed, and Consonant to Constant and uninterrupted usages and that the Method proposed by his Excellency is Unprecedented and repugnant to Law.

No. Carolina
Copy two Resolutions of the Assembly

Rx with the Govrs Letter of 28. May 1760

Read Novr. 26. 1760

E. 24.