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The Baptist Young People's Union

Ridgecrest, N.C.,
October 23, 1915.

His Excellency, Hon. Locke Craig, Governor,
Raleigh, N.C.

My Dear Sir:-

I desire to make peition to you in regard to the completion of the Central Highway between Old Fort and Ridgecrest. The force of convicts now at work there is too small to finish the work in time for the road to settle sufficiently for the next summer's travel, there being only twenty six of them in all. The convicts who have been engaged at Bat Cave, I understand, are finishing the work in that section. And since they are to be moved to other sections of road construction, I beg permission to ask that you have them sent to the Highway between Old Fort and Ridgecrest. This will insure a speedy completion of the Highway so that after the winter's rains and travel, it will be in good condition for use next summer.

Very sincerely yours,

J D Moore