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Hon. Locke Craig,
Raleigh, N.C.

My dear Governor:-

I understand that the Hardaway Contracting Company has made application to the States Prison for from 200 to 250 additional convicts. Mr. Hardaway fears there may be some difficulty in the arrangement to procure them. Permit me to write to you in recommendation of the Hardaway Contracting Company.

I have known Mr. B. F. Hardaway, who is the President and in control of this Company, for many years, and he is a good man to deal with. We have had much business with him, involving large contracts, and he has always shown a disposition to integrity and fair dealing. I have recently been to Badin and viewed this great enterprise. He is certainly engaged in a great work, which will eventually be a source of vast wealth to this State.

The price he offers seems to me liberal and of interest to the State, and I hope if it is proper for you to do so, that you will grant the application of Mr. Hardaway.

Yours very truly,