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Hon. Locke Craig, Governor of N.C.,

Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:

Your favor of recent date in regard to the Charlotte matter duly received. I have had some difficulty in the past in getting pay for investigation. I can get a good man to investigate the Charlotte case but I would like to be sure where the money will come from. The County Commissioners of Mecklenburg County might pay it or they might not. I would be glad you would write me as soon as you have advised with the Council of State. I am pursuing the investigation in every way that I can, personally, but one of the great troubles in North Carolina now is, that no one in interested in getting evidence for the State, not only in this case, but in almost every case, with the exception of the cases in which a few prosecuting witnesses have a financial interest.

This lynching was done by a very small crowd, not exceeding ten men and they will be hard to detect, unless the effort is made along the right lines. I urge the offering by the State a reward, certainly not less, than that offered by the city of Charlotte and also a different sum to be used for Secret-service investigation.

Yours very truly,