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Ardmore, Pa.
July 26, 1920.

Governor Bickett,
State of North Carolina,
Executive Department,
Raleigh, N. Car.

Your Excellency:

The members of the above mentioned Post and, I feel sure, the entire membership of my race, wish to express to you their deep sense of admiration for the quick action which you took in quelling the mob which went to Graham on July 20th bent upon lynching three Negroes. By so doing you saved your State from dishonor and you have won the admiration not only of the Negro race but of all law abiding people everywhere.

We desire to express our very keen sense of gratification to you and place you beside Governor E. P. Morrow of Kentucky and Hon. A. O. Stanley, formerly Governor of Kentucky, as a champion for human rights.

Yours very respectfully,

L. F. Cole
Post Historian.
222 W. Spring Avenue.