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Torturing Prisoners.—We received a telegram Saturday stating that Kirk's men had hung a Mr. Patton, of Alamance, three times to extort confessions from him in regard to Ku Klux. A gentlemen just from Alamance confirms the telegram. The perpetrator of this outrage is one Burgin, Kirk's subordinate. He acknowledged to the gentleman, not only that he had hung Patton, to make him confess, but that he had hung up several others of those arrested, by the thumbs, for the same purpose.

There is no doubt of the truth of those statements. They are substantiated by numbers of persons who witnessed them; and further, Burgin boasted of his acts, saying, that "when merely arrested they would tell nothing, but when he put the rope around their necks, or swung them by the thumbs, they would confess."

And these things are practiced on a helpless people by lawless desperadoes, by order of the Chief Executive of the State, and all redress of the sacred writ of habeas corpus denied! And this too we must endure or resistance will be visited with the vengeance of the Governor, "backed by the President," the elections defeated and Radical rule fastened on us indefinitely. Well, may the Lord help the State and people.—Sentinel