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March 14, 1877

An Act to provide a suitable House for the Governor of the State.

The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact:

Section 1. That Jos A Engelhard Secretary of State, Thomas S Kenan Attorney General, John M. Worth Treasurer and D. M. Carter and A. B. Andrews of the City of Raleigh be and they are hereby appointed a Commission on the part of the State for the following purposes.

Section 2. That said commissions are empowered, authorized and directed to sell to the best advantage on such terms at such times and in such quantities as they may deem best the real estate in and adjacent to the City of Raleigh belonging to the State including the lot or lots on which stands the Governor’s Mansion and which are not at this time occupied for state purposes. 

Section 3. Said Commissioners shall have full power to convey by Deeds any and all of said property to the purchasers thereof and the Deed or Deeds so made shall be binding upon the State.

Section 4. The said Commissioners shall with the proceeds of the Sale of said property cause to be erected on the Square in said City of Raleigh known as the Lovejoy lot, or any other belonging to the State in the said City of Raleigh within their discretion a suitable building and houses with proper enclosure for the use of and occupancy of the Governor of the State; Provided that no contract shall be made by the said Commissioners for the erecting and finishing of said Mansion that will cost the State more than five thousand dollars in addition to the amount for which the Old Mansion and other property in the City belonging to the State may be sold. 

Section 5. In the erection of said buildings the said Commissioners are authorized to use such of the convict labor of the State and such material on hand at the State Penitentiary as they may deem best for the best interest of the State.

Section 6. That the proceeds of the Sale of the property aforesaid is insufficient to complete and finish said buildings then said Commissioners are authorized and empowered to draw upon the State Treasurer for such amounts as may be necessary not to exceed the sum of five thousand dollars and the Auditor is directed to audit said claims and the Treasurer to pay the same. 

Section 7. That said house when completed and finished shall be occupied by the Governor of the State.

Section 8. This Act shall be in force from and after its ratification.

Read three times and ratified in General Assembly, this 6th day of March 1877. 



Raleigh, March 14 1877

I certify the above to be a true Copy of the Original Act on file in this office.

Jos. A. Englehard