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Govr Vance
Dear Sir,

I wrote you a note on train to-day, but fear you can not read it. You know the necessity of all hands up here working to-gether and in order to save some money to push the work I had fixed up securely a shanty car to put convicts to ditching the road. At night they wd be carefully secured and guarded in this car we would save by it about $25.00 per day to be used on the grading. Mr. Howard refuses to let the hands out and has appealed to Raleigh. I hope Mr. Hicks will order him to let us have them and hope you will aid us in it. And also get him to forward more men. If our quota is furnished and my plans not obstructed by the penitentiary Board I will reach Asheville in 12 months. Pardon me in troubling you so much, but I know you feel far more interest in this work than those in charge of the Penitentiary.

Very Respy & Truly Yrs