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To the Right Honnble Philip Ludall Gov[damaged] of this parte of Carolina, to the Honnb[le] [damaged] Humbley Shewth the Humble petetion of Henery Norman

That yr petetioner haveing a man Servent an Indian Called Georg West who Runaway in Ceptember Last y[ear] Contrary to Law feloniously Carryed away from yr Honnrs petetioner along With him these goods shewn after specified vizt one Conow one gunn one Linsey & wolsy Blankit ont payre of Lather Briches one payre of White yayrne Stockings one payre of mans Shooes one Leather apron one home spunn Cloth wost Coots Linen with wellin two womans Shifts the one [bowlis] the other Garlents one ozenbrigs shift marked with H M one blew shirt one Carpenders brood Ax one Joyrne Squere one payre of Joyrne Compessas one gouge one Joynter plane two Oje[damaged] one hand saw one hand saw Phile one small Auger two Chisell for which Servant & goods your petetrs Humbley Craves an order from your honnrs at the may bee found within this Govrmt & as in Dutty bound shall every pray

Henry HN Norman

his mark