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North Carolina Ss

To the provost Marshall of Albemarle County or Depty. Greeting &c.

Whereas John Hitaw King for Cheif man of the Chowan Indians Complaines against John Sale Mercht. for that the said John Sale oweth & from him detaineth the Sum of Eleven pounds the same being due for Sundry Wares deliv[ered] to the said John Sale as by Accot: to the damage of the said John Hitaw Eleven pounds and that he Suspects the aforesaid John Sale is removing in order to conceal or withdraw himselfe out of this Government.

These are therefore in his Majties: Name to require & Coman^d^ you to attach so much of the Goods & Chattells of the said John Sale (if to be found in yr. Bailiwick) as will Satisfie and pay the aforsd sum of Eleven pounds & Costs & so to secure the same that further proceedings may be had thereon according to Law at the next Court of Comon Pleas to be held for this Governmt. at Edenton the last Tuesday in March next herein faile not & make due returne.

Given under my hand & Seale at Armes at Edenton this 26th. day of Decembr: Anno Dni 1722

CGale C.J.

March Genl: Court 1723

Thomas Mathews came into Court & acknowlegd. to have enough to satisfie the within attachmt:

Test. WBadham ClurGen

This Attisment served in the hand of Mr Ansley and Mr. Tho: Mathews: and Sumans them to apaer ad Court

Christn Heidelberg D M

Kg Hitaw
vs            } Attachmt:

Exd: Iss. Septr: 13 1723—
w. Corp. Tho Mathews