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[Due to the fragile nature of this document, the photograph included here is the best version available.]

To the Honorable Landgrave Robert Daniell Esqr. Lieftenant Generall Vice Admirall and Deputy Governor of No. Carolina and to the Honorable Councell.

The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Neus Rivir. Sheweth

[damage] two years agon seated this place [damage] sitting [damage] stocks A Neus Indian with 4 more in his Company killed [damage] hog of Adam Luess and being demanded proof for pay according to their Articles Receaved nothing but Reproachfull Language in respect to the Honorable Governor and to the rest of the English. Having likewise broke two Locks att two severall times, from one house taking thence to the Value of 250 skins and this publickly; and stealing the boards and nails from another, they likewise are seated in severall Commodious places of this River to the great disadvantage thereof. Demanding unreasonable prices for their Land which we are neither willing or able to give them all which hinders the Speedy and well settling so Commodious a River We humbly [damage] to give us speedy Redres [damage] this nature [damage] from Comeing to live [damage] Expeditious Redres as these Circumstances will admit of.

As in Duty bound shall pray Your Honors humble Petitioners.

A Petition from
the People of Neus