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Statement on American Indian Terminology
North Carolina
8 February 1755
Address of the Grand Inquest for Several Counties to Arthur Dobbs, circa 8 February 1755
3 June 1755
Report on Additional Instructions from the Board to Trade to Arthur Dobbs, 3 June 1755
17 June 1755
7 August 1755
List by Arthur Dobbs of Civil and Military Commissions, 17 June to 7 August 1755
24 August 1755
Letter from Arthur Dobbs to the Board of Trade, 24 August 1755
12 July 1756
List by Arthur Dobbs of the Militia and Taxable Persons in North Carolina, 12 July 1756
30 May 1757
Letter from Arthur Dobbs to John Campbell, 4th Earl of Loudoun, 30 May 1757
26 December 1757
Letter from Arthur Dobbs to the Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, 26 December 1757
27 December 1757
Statement by Arthur Dobbs regarding John Rutherfurd's actions as Receiver General, 27 December 1757
21 April 1758
Extract from Journal of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, 21 April 1758
11 September 1759
Letter from Arthur Dobbs to the Board of Trade, 11 September 1759
3 June 1874
State of North Carolina vs. Jack Gavin, 3 June 1874
30 November 1874
State of North Carolina vs. W. R. Bishop, 30 November 1874
30 November 1874
State of North Carolina vs. Anthony James, 30 November 1874
25 January 1915
Letter from John S. Holmes to Locke Craig, 25 January 1915