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January 23, 1918.

My dear Governor Bickett:

With reference to the letter of the Chairman of the Local Board for the County of Davie, N.C. which you forwarded to me, I beg to inform you that I have had the matter thoroughly investigated. A copy of the report of the investigating Officer being enclosed herewith. The investigation shows that the complaint, unfortunately, was justified, and I thank you very much for having brought the matter to my attention and trust that you will convey my thanks to the Chairman of the Local Board of Davie County.

As the report clearly shows that it was the duty of the undertaker in Columbia, who is employed by the Government, to properly prepare the remains of Private Howard, I have directed that the contract with this undertaker be annulled and placed in the hands of a different undertaking establishment, with the hope that there will be no repetition of this case.

With all assurance of my high regard, I am
Very truly yours,

G. W. McIver
Brigadier General, N.A., Commanding.

2 Inc.

To Honorable T. W. Bickett,
Governor of North Carolina,
Raleigh, North Carolina.

Enclosure: 1918, Jan. 22. Memorandum for Chief of Staff signed J. F. Johnson Maj.