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William Burket Deposeth that on the 16th day of June he went to see Absolom Legget with intent to enquire of said Legget how he might be Initiated into a new clubb the sd. Legget askt. him if he thought he could Keep a Secret he said he could Legget told him he would give him a sign to Carry to James Shearrard or Daniel Legget either which Sign was a stick with three notches cut on it & that he would be Askt what that Stick was for his Reply was sign a sign of What, of a word do you Know that word I do give it me I will Letter it with you & further that the sd. that Legget told him that he heard that Coll Buncombe was Going to leave the Country & that he was to busy or he would go over and Git some of his fine Horses as he hea^r^d he had many of them and that they ought to be stopt