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Before me Edward Moseley Esqr one of the members of the Council & being Authorised to take the Depositions of Certain persons relateing to the boundarys of this Government Personally Came and appeared Wm Boush aged Sixty five years or thereabouts who on his Oath according to the forme of his profession taken Saith that on or about the year One thousand Six hundred fifty eight or fifty nine he this Deponent Came into Virginia & lived Twenty years or thereabouts within Sixteen miles or thereabouts off Weyanoake River and about fifteen years more within Twelve miles of Weyanoake River being the first River on the Right hand as you goe down Blackwater River and about Twelve miles above Maherine River During the Major part of which Time this Deponent never heard it go by any other name than Weyanoake & this Deponent further Saith that about twelve years agoe (one of this Deponts Neighbours) Nathan King took up a peice of Land lying opposite to the mouth of the said River which Land was Commonly said by the Neighbours to ly at the mouth of Weyanoake River to distinguish it from other Land the said Nathan had & this Deponent further Saith that he never knew or heard of any other Weyanoke River than that aforemenconed & which by the Virginians has lately been Called Nottoway by Reason the Nottoway Indians having of late been the Chief Dwellers near it

Capt et Jurat Vicesimo
primo die Januar Anno 1707

Coram me Edwd Moseley