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Dr. V. F. Couch,

Yadkinville, N.C.

Dear Dr. Couch:

Please do not think me trying to meddle or interefere in any way with the work of your Board, but I want to call your attention to one case, which I think you have possibly not had time to investigate.

It is the case of Clingman Inscore who lives about three or four miles west of my mother’s home, up in the Oak Grove section. I understand that he was called as a substitute a few days ago, but that you did not have to send him, and he was ordered to return home and await orders. I hope you will investigate this young man’s case, and if you find that the facts as I am informed they exist, I feel sure that you will have his case reopened, and give him a deferred classification.

I do not know this young man personally, nor do I know any of his people, but a good friend of mine, in whose reliablility I have the utmost confidence, writes me that Clingman Inscore is the youngest son of Nancy Inscore, and the only support his mother has, who, it is generally believed in the community, has consumption. He has one sister who was never “bright”, and also is dependent on him. They tell me that there is not even a small boy to help his mother and sister. There is another sister at home at present, but she works at Winston-Salem part of the time.

I hope you will be able to take the time to investigate this case personally, and see whether or not there is the merit in it which I think exists.

Yours very truly,
