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Circular to Govr. Lyttelton & Governor Dobbs.


As You have already been informed that the King having hath Judged proper that the Earl of Loudoun should return to England and had that H.M. have had been pleased to appoint me to Succeed the Earl His Lordship as Commander in Chief of all His Majestys ^the Kings^ Forces in North America, with the same powers & Authorities; And as You have at the same time ^all His Majestys Governors in No America^ at the time of this Notification ^You^ have likewise been directed to apply to & Correspond with me on all matters relating to the Kings Service, which has it is incumbent on me to repeat ^referr^ to you to Mr. Pitts Secretary Pitts Circular Letter of the to His Majestys Letter Governors, to wherein ^(of the 30t. of December last)^ setting forth that, "H.M. considering that the several provinces from Pensilvania inclusive, to the Southward, are well able with proper Encouragmt. to furnish a body of several thousand Men, to Join the Kings Forces in those parts for some Offensive Operations against the Enemy⁠—And H.M. not judging it Expedient to limit the Zeal & Ardor of H any of His Provinces by making a repartition of the Force to be raised by each respectively for this most important Service; I am Commanded to signify to You the Kings pleasure, that You do forthwith use your utmost endeavors & Influence with the Council & Assembly of your Province to induce them to raise with all possible dispatch as large a body of Men within your Government or the number & Situation of its Inhabitants may allow. True."

In Consequence of which Letter I have writ to the three Governments of Pensilvania Maryland & Virginia desiring they would forthwith call their Council & Assembly lay before them & ^and immediately to Acquaint me^ to Acquaint with the resolutions they should come to, that no time might be lost; all which I lust likewise most warnestly recommend to You ^with this difference, that the Men your shall Province shall allot & rais & all be for their own protection & Defence without being subject to Join the Forces.^

I am likewise ^also^ to Inform You that the present situation of Affairs requiring an immediate Embargo to be laid on all Ships in the different ^parts of the respective^ Provinces of ^in^ North America: I have in pursuance thereof wrote to all the Governors, from New Hampshire to yours ^No. Carolina^ inclusive, forthwith to lay on the same and to continue it untill such time as they receive notice from me that the Service will admit of its being ^to^ take ^it^ off, ^the same^ which you may depend on being transmitted to You as soon as H.M.'s Service will allow of it. You will therefore, immediately upon receipt hereof, cause the said Embargo to be laid, in all the different parts of your province & to continue the same until you receive such ^from me^ the notice above mentioned which You may depend on being transmitted to you as soon as H.M.'s Service will allow of it. This Embargo has taken place in this Port on the 14t.

But as H.M. ^The King^ has judged proper to Appoint Brig. Genl. Forbes to Command H.M.'s forces to the Southward and has named Colonel Montgommeries Highland Battalion & the three Carolina Indepent Companies to be part of those Forces; I should think that the whatever number recommended to you of Men Your Province shall raise, would be entirely allotted for their own Defence & Protection, which will become the more & remain in the Province from your Situation & the Intelligence You may have received you will best know what number will be sufficient for that purpose, and I make no doubts as it is so strongly recommended to You by His Majesty under their with the further gracious & favourable prospect ^that^ You will exert yourself to your utmost to put the province in such a respectable posture of Defense as to fear no Insults from the Enemy. 

As I understand that the Independent Companies are only 220 strong, & those ^by the last returns were no more than and now^ posted in the back parts of the Country at a very great distance, which will render it very difficult to get them in time to Embark with the Highlanders. I have ventured to make so far to depart from these Orders & to let them Independent Companies return with you ^remain under you^ & ^I will^ replace them by a like number of the Independent Companies with me. 

With regard to the Transports necessary to bring these Troops to Philadelphia, which is the place of rendezvous named by Brigr. Genl. Forbes, I must beg leave to recommend that entirely to Your care as I know not whether you may have a sufficient number in your port; and lest that may be the case, I have applied to Commodore Durell, who at present Commands all H.M.'s Ships & Vessels of War in North America, for an Order to the Commanding Officer of the Kings Ships in your port ^Station^, to give you all the Aid and Assistance in their power for in forwarding this Embarkation, and likewise to send out a proper Convoy along with them; And that such ^the Captain of [illegible]^ of H.M. Ships as shall be Appointed Convoy to these Troops, shall, if there be a necessity thro' Scarcity of Transports, as well as to prevent any Additional Expences, be obliged to receive on board their respective Ships as large a number of Troops as they can possibly stow & carry, over & above their own Complements; by which means I should hope You will be able to answer bring these Troops to the place of rendezvous by the time prescribed in Mr. Secretary Pitts Letter

Govrs. of So. & No. Carolina.

March 16t. 1758.