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John Hodge On his Oath Deposeth & Sayth, that William Tyler Came to his house & Told him that their Was a Thing in hand which he wanted to see him about, after that some Time peter Tyler Came the said Hodges house and offer’d to Disclose a secret to him, sd hodge then Asked him what that Secret was Tyler Deny'd Telling him Except he wou’d Agree to Qualify. he then Told him he Woud Not Qualify to Any thing Without first knowing what it was, some Time After this Solo. Pippin & James Rollins Came to this Deponant and said Rolins offer’d him a seret, after Deliberating Some days and and Takeing the advice of his Neighbours, this Deponant Agreed to Qualify & sd. Rolins Gave him a book & he Qu^a^lified himself, after ^he^ was Qualified he ^Rollins^ told a long story the purport of which this Depont. Cannot Recollect, but this Deponant Says it was of Little Account but then Qualified him to Keep Secret a persons Name, To witt John Lewelling the Said Lewelling After ward Show’d this Deponant the seret, which was An Instrument of Writeing Call’d by said Lewelling a Constitution, & this Deponant Understood by Thomas Hurst that Rollins was the Man Who Invented that Constitution & That Lewellin Told him he was to aid & assist all Draughted or Destressed Persons or Those Call’d Torys to the utmost of his power and that this Deponant Must Get Half a pound of powder & Two pounds of shott & Further this Deponant Sayth Not


John X Hodge


July the 4th 1777

Sworn before me—

Nathan Mayo

B, E, T

B. E.

Be true

Bet. u. r. e

For Colo. Pugh Paid