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Hon. Locke Craig,

Governor of North Carolina,

Executive department,

Raleigh N.C.,

Dear Sir:-

In the early part of Jan. you were kind enough to appoint me one of the Notaries Public for this, Lenoir County, but upon information from Judge Allen, and the Clerk of our court that I was a Negro, and that I had obtained the Commission from you by fraud, you instructed the clerk to refuse to qualify me and obtain the commission, and return to you for cancellation, and to disabuse your Excellency that I did not impose upon you in this matter, I write you this letter.

I am a Negro, it is true, and have been doing business in this town since 1876, and have been in the banking business here since 1897, as you will observe from the enclosed slip clipped from the Industrial issue of the Kinston Free Press 1900, and this item was written by Mr. Plato Collins now Clerk of the Superior Court of this County.

By working hard, and strict attention to business, I have accumulated considerable property, among which is the "Hotel Charles" advertising card of which I also enclose.

I was body servant of Maj. W. J. Barrett, and old confederate soldier and ex-postmastre of this town, now dead, who treated me as one of the family, and whose wife and children took great delight in instructing me in books. I am a strong supporter of the Democratic party, and always vote the ticket without a scratch, and the only thing that either Judge Allen, or Mr. Collins can say against me is that I am a Negro, and this I have never tried to hide, and the fact that I have carried myself in such a manner that I am often mistaken for white man should be in my favor. I have held the office of Notary under both democratic, and repulican Governors, and I am in the banking business, and as the office of Notary is not a political one, and does not in the least come into come into contact with white people, I will be very glad if Your Excellency would reconsider the matter, and appoint one of the Notaries Publics for this county, and if what I write is not sufficient, will be gald if you will give me a condition precedent that you will consider the appointment.

Yours Very respectfully.

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