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Tallassee Power Company.

Honorable T. W. Bickett,

Governor, North Carolina,

Raleigh, N.C.

Dear Sir:-

Your highly esteemed favor of June 28th, replying to my letter of June 25th, with reference to the Tallassee Power Company, of Badin, also the enclosure of copy of your letter to Mr Thorpe, General Supt of this company, and I take this method of thanking you for your very prompt and favorable consideration of this matter, and assure you that not only Organized Labor, but all Christian and fair minded people will heartily commend your action.

I note carefully what you say regarding a careful investigation being made in the near future and for your information will say, not for the purpose of hurrying you, but for the welfare of all concerned, that the sooner this investigation is started the better for the employees as a whole are becoming more excited of the matter, as the officials have, if any thing increased their antagonistic attitude, especially towards the colored help who are not organized and under no ones control, and the white employees who are not organized are very bitter against the actions of the officials, and in my opinion it would take very little agitation to start what might prove to be serious trouble.

Your views in this matter meet with approval completely and it will be a pleasure to me to assist in every way possible to bring about a satisfactory adjustment of this matter at the earliest possible date, and you may be assured that I will use every endeavor to keep down friction or any thing that would tend agitate the situation, pending your further action.

In your letter to Mr Thorpe I note that you say that you assume either myself or some one acting for me gave my letter to you to the press, but I am glad to say that I am not guilty of this breach of etiquette, but I did mail a copy to the Chairman of the Executive Board of the State Federation of Labor and the Electrical Workers Unions of the State, and I regret very much that they were given such publicity until you had had time to act, and should I ever have the pleasure of meeting you in person, I feel sure that I can explain my actions in mailing these letters to your entire satisfaction.

For your information will say, that I am collecting evidence of some of the many injustices that have been practiced upon the employees by the officials of this company so as not to delay the investigation when it is your pleasure to start it.

I will appreciate very much your getting in communication with Mr Homer C. Brown, Commissioner of Concilliation of Washington D.C. who is here on this case and is stopping at this hotel, and I am sure he will gladly co-operate with you or your representatives in bringing about a speedy adjustment.

It will be necessary for you or your representatives to come to Albermarle, for there are no hotel accomodations in Badin.

I moved here from Badin at the suggestion of Mr Brown in order that it might not be said by Mr Thorpe that I was agitating the men or in any way abstructing a settlement, and the only contention that I have is, that the men be re-instated and permitted to complete their organization, and I feel that you will agree with me that this is not an unreasonable demand.

Again thanking you for your prompt attention to this matter, and awaiting you further pleasure, I am, with best wishes,

Yours very truly,

D. L. Goble

Inter-Nat Rep,

I. B. E. W.

Central Hotel,

Albermarle, N.C.